Cynthia Buhain-baello Acrostic Poems

Goal (Acrostic 4 Line Poem/Rhymed)

Sadness (Double Acrostic

S o heavy and dark are moods and feelings
A ll seems lost, a vague hopeless dilemma,
D own to the lowest pit of all human regard
N owhere to turn to is the pained, bruised man.

Wonder (Double Acrostic)

W hat fascinating thoughts to knoW

O ccupy its duckling mind sO

An Honest Write (Acrostic Poem)

All writers have their uniqueness
Not one is an exact duplicate.

However one would try to address
Only a signature style liberates.

Encouragement - Double Acrostic

Each new day is a rare chance at LifE
Not merely an accident, lightly takeN.
Considering death is our cul de saC
Obviously our Fate, that's eventually sO.

His Healing Grace ~ Acrostic # 5

He gave forgiveness for all who repent
In His great Mercy paid it all at Calvary
Sacrificed so perfect, Grace touched you and me.

Sleep (Double Acrostic)

S weet, refreshing Comfort beckonS

L ulls with soothing calm as Dreams now calL

Magnificent (Double Acrostic)

M ystifying covers forM
A ll Nature's green and faunA
G racing thoughts excitinG
N ew life, as Curiosity is giveN

Awareness -Double Acrostic

All that goes around us, in the areA
Where we live, affects us, we all knoW.
As life goes on we face the dilemmA
Recognizing that the mask of dangeR

Tranquility (Acrostic -Couplets)

T hese placid waves bring songs of the sea
R est my soul and soothe my mind so easily
A nd as I close my eyes I find there peace
N ature's touch and calm that I missed

Dubiety - Acrostic

D oubts about life and uncertainty
U sually sway a man's mind to and fro.
B elieving his own vain philosophy
I nventing whatever he wants to know.

Men Of Mettle - Double Acrostic

M en of fine mettle fight for their FreedoM,
E ngaging with courage enemies wherE
N o one else stands up for confrontatioN.

Grateful (Acrostic)


G od I thank you for the words
R ealizing You are the Giver

Emptiness Of Heart ~ Acrostic #4

E mptiness of heart is common
M any equate happiness with wealth
P erhaps the glitter of gold blinds on
T aking all reason, values, and health

Forgive As You Have Been Forgiven - Acrostic #3

Forgive as you have been forgiven
Overcome the pain by setting it free
Remember He paid for all of it
Grace and mercy for you and me

Simple Life -Acrostic #3

Stay focused on goals and dreams,
Identify those that need change.
Many trials discourage it seems
Persevere, for winning is in your range

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