Adebayo Silas

Adebayo Silas Poems

Once the day was young and green
wearing the countenance of a newly hatched Chick
The smell of new-morn hay saturate my nostrils
The slender fingers of the morning breeze tug at my robe

From cockcrow to cockroost
I sit on the cold veranda
pining away in subtle melancholy
like a deciduous plant in cold winter

The Best Poem Of Adebayo Silas

The Vicissitudes Of Day

Once the day was young and green
wearing the countenance of a newly hatched Chick
The smell of new-morn hay saturate my nostrils
The slender fingers of the morning breeze tug at my robe
Outside my mahogany window, a million dew fell
too much than the leaves could could let in their pores

But in the process of time
he grew like a tenderly nursed plant
full of radiance - the vigour of youth
The sea shimmered in his slices of ray
and the land tingled with warmth
yet the flowers were gay with noon at bay
oh sunset! is not this your wonder?

soon it became frail; a dismay to look upon
his face was a light shade of black some call night
whose demeanor made the blues fled from the sky
The world did he rob with his velvet and brocade of sight
so that everywhere he appeared, he his not his fang
yet in his ugly face the fireflies chose to flaunt their style
even the stars were mesmerized they forgot to blink their eye
is not this yet another wonder?
That the brilliancy of light is seen in the dark

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