Adebayo Timileyin

Adebayo Timileyin Poems

from young, I learned hate
learned to fight my battles alone
and learned to care not

Terror that's moves with night
A merciless inhumane ghul
Darkness it's veil
You feel shivers miles away

A grey shell,
Thick skin, Stony face
and the ability to forget

The Best Poem Of Adebayo Timileyin

The Magic In Elfi

from young, I learned hate
learned to fight my battles alone
and learned to care not

violence was a daily bread
pain and sorrow spread on it like a butter on freshly baked bread
internal and external scars results

brick by brick, the wall grew
taller and stronger with every pain,
leaving me lost and alone

deep, within the ruins of my jumbled heart
your magic bloomed like a flower,
spreading it beautiful pollen across my soul
my train of thought could do nothing to move from your bus stop

with an angry rumble, My strong wall fell
I find myself diving head first into the sea of your strange comfort.
comfortable lonely nights now thirst for your warm embrace
your beautiful face has become the wallpaper of my hollowed heart
and my ears long to hear your sweet laughter

my world is colourful, thanks to your magic.


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