Sometimes in April
Was like an honey-lick on the Moon of Cambridge
Never knew would prone a prize to pay
From year's onset singing 'I love you' till May
Adesoro Segun [Proofsegz] is an inspirational and motivational writer, Bible student, songs Composer, human activist and poet. He has written several articles on social values addressing corruption, self-centredness and poverty in society. Apart from his struggle and taking up a stand for liberty, he has composed several songs. He loves studying the Bible and has also written a couple of religious articles. Above all, he is in love with poetry. He has penned a good number of poems related to life, death, religion etc. He is also the administrator of a poetry facebook page, a facebook group and a blog to promote poetry and to encourage and motivate younger poets. He is presently studying Linguistics & Communication Studies at Ekiti State University, Nigeria.)
Letter To My African Woman
Dearest Barak Nkem Ife,
Have my golden heart to yourself
Weaved with undiluted emotional affection
From the workshop of the craftman of words
Sleep couldn't embarce my sight
Since your ineffable beauty encapsulates me
No mystery behind the oedipus of your attraction
A jewel of inestimable value
A terrific body of a terrestial goddess
Inaccessible by humanity's assessment program
A prolific heart robber, any sane man would naturally fall for.
The most elegant work of arts from the heavens
As fresh as the tropical tamarind
Of glowing eyes like the globe's fluorescence
Illuminates the universe with radiant smiles
Behind lips as smooth as olive oil
Your look is more than finest of wine
Having a taste of your luscious lips is bliss eternal
Your long lissom hair is dashing to the core
With breath-taking round leather bosom
Life with you; an endless streak of timeless fun
As that fortress; taking captive of the scorching sun
Extracting sweet honey from the quiescent moon
And compete, in your glamorous sparkles with shinning stars
Dearest glowing diamond of Barak,
You bestow unbridled pleasure to the eyes
As raindrops give rainbow to the sky
Let me take you always, side by side
Why on earth must I be your Romeo?
'Cos you need not be Juliet
Lets write our own love story
And keep the blazing affection ravaging
Cast your chunk of fears upon me
Like the lonely night to its moon
Be it that you one is my sole confidant
To whom I envelope my golden thoughts
Sweet Nkem, your blissful beauty makes my heart palpitate
While my emotional temperature undulates
With penetrating eyes like dreamy tangerines
Am lost amidst amorous fantasies
I kept drowning in love of you; daily
Like the endless sea without its depth
For your gorgeous poise is so profound
With your charming gaze so deep and alluring
I marvel as your seething sight tells,
Wordless story of boundless love
A cluster of virtues you are...
A desert of vices and mirage
Who dares compete with my Ife?
Laden with luscious fruits of fresh proportions
The cripsy pumpkin in the market of excellence
More radiant than the glowing yellow sun
My satisfied heart is hungry to paint you whole
With aesthetic colourful words of the world
As I now let loose-less my bleeding pen
Have my golden heart to yourself.
Honesty in politics is like virginity in prostitution
You don't jubilate in faith on the santuary of mirage
'Do not let your dream(s) makes you proactively irresponsible for your responsibility can drive your dreams to reality'
'Hard times will pass to tales of the past 'cos it wouldn't last forever but makes us stronger than thunder's blast'
'Memories are the most constant visitor that never dies.'
'The main reason for freedom is to be free and that doesn't exist.'
'Life is incomplete without good and bad. The good begets thanksgiving, the bad; testimony. The two-inseparable makes Life worth living.'
'True patience takes plenitude of silence'.
'No matter how genius you are, there's one you admire'.
'Be proud of whatever you do only if it is good'
'Do not out of pity, marry an idiot destined for an idiot'.
'Look inwardly beyond the pretty face for a life partner'.
'Self-centredness often hinders progress. Collectivity is the key'
'Anything is nothing for the privileged but something for the needful'
'Togetherness is beyond the physical, it is the unified conference of hearts'
'Love can't be given but shared'
'Shyness is often mistaken for pride; paying same price'.
'Be a child in your thinking when you fall. Do not look back, stand and continue moving forward'.
'A listening ear is a liberating ear and not an enslaved one'.
'A relationship that lacks trust is not worth enduring. However, trust is the costliest seed of Love'.
'When tired of a courtship, think more than twice before embarking on another. Will the latter be better than the former? '
'A broken & battered heart in courtship is so very much better than a cracked heart in marriage'
'Do not say: 'I do! ' if you don't know what you are doing'
'Trust of man is like a secret gate left to rust'