Mana Kavingyan

Mana Kavingyan Poems


Flown birds from trees
Fallen leaves from trees

You birds hid on greenish trees

India got freedom by people's
who shed their blood
If they spent only sweat and tears

Oh! Nature

If the face masks of humans are same

Eyes made a soft walk
On the tree branches
To see a squirrel
© Manakavingyan


Pebble thrown alone into the lake
Awakened many wave strings

© Manakavingyan


I saw an old man with a stick.
A desire to have a seat
My yardstick tried to measure humanity
© Manakavingyan

Fluidic thoughts moved to the non-serious part of my mind
and watched me in the shadows

© Manakavingyan

Why do you fear to live?

You have many people to perform before you


Stone can be god
Stone can be a mile stone
Stone can be a weapon
Stone can be a shelter


Budding flowers didn't know about the upcoming combat between bug and honeybee

© Manakavingyan

Again and Again

Drizzling Drops on an Evening
Shining Crops on travelling



Leaves on the tree
Leaves on the creed



Holidays on summer
Sweaty faces on shower


On paper inscription
Emotions as living letters
The magic of transformation


Hemp tied the moon and stars with my eyes
But my eye balls wandered to see the clouds

© Manakavingyan

A bird with two wings
Confusion about using left or right
Among these Leftists may demand freedom and equality.
A right-wing hierarchy can be achieved


A bird that never goes astray
The guiding sun
© Manakavingyan

Daylight and teardrops invaded the wounded ceiling and left unwillingly to part.
© Manakavingyan


Invading clouds
Large earthen pot
Fully fueled the thirst
© Manakavingyan


My stress enters the keyboard for the next line applied backspace and made it blank

© Manakavingyan

Mana Kavingyan Biography

Using the platform for Translating some of my Tamil poems to English, I write with a pen name mana kavingyan means 'poet from heart ' in tamil, A diploma mechanical engineer by profession working as Sr.Process Engineer on a Thermoplastic Industry at Bangalore. I melt plastics on Industry with melted heart Contact:

The Best Poem Of Mana Kavingyan


Flown birds from trees
Fallen leaves from trees

You birds hid on greenish trees
Braved leaves on greenish trees

Birds never had Permanent destiny
Leaves never had wings of destiny

Wind's direction
Leave's green
Bird's melody
Earth's gravity

Life may be bird
Life may be leaf

People flew might have fallen prey
People fallen might have turned manure

We are not vultures historically
We are not terrorists mysteriously


We will be singing birds
We will be shadowing leaves


Mana Kavingyan Comments

Mana Kavingyan Quotes

It's tough to hold up your mind on the moving clock. © Manakavingyan

Tapered thoughts Elevated feeling Captivated destiny © Manakavingyan

Seeing a dark but it is dark light

See the sky and talk to the shadow angels

When I close my eyelids, it's a new day again © Manakavingyan

Silence is the state of unlistened

Do eyeballs have attractive power?

Honey is sweet, but not a honey bee. © Manakavingyan

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