Flown birds from trees
Fallen leaves from trees
You birds hid on greenish trees
India got freedom by people's
who shed their blood
If they spent only sweat and tears
Eyes made a soft walk
On the tree branches
To see a squirrel
© Manakavingyan
Pebble thrown alone into the lake
Awakened many wave strings
© Manakavingyan
I saw an old man with a stick.
A desire to have a seat
My yardstick tried to measure humanity
© Manakavingyan
Fluidic thoughts moved to the non-serious part of my mind
and watched me in the shadows
© Manakavingyan
Why do you fear to live?
You have many people to perform before you
Stone can be god
Stone can be a mile stone
Stone can be a weapon
Stone can be a shelter