Alexis karpouzos Poems

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Endless Love - Alexis Karpouzos

When day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never ending shade? The loss we carry, a ocean we must wade. We braved the belly of the beast. I have seen you in millions of places. I met you in a million forms. We met among the ruins, the ashes and the bones, we lost them all, but we found each other, I saw your lion heart, and it pulled me. I saw the creation and the destruction in your eyes. I see you here in the mud, on the rock, in the rays of the rising sun. We are Dead and alive, we saw a thousand Christs go by As they went up to Calvary but The dove it found no resting place.

You were where our solar system was formed, you whispered something to me for eternal love and then you fell from my hands and everything became fire. All the myths always showed you.
We are man and woman, plant and stone, amorphous and form, swallow and eagle, snake and gazelle, fantastic creatures of the depths. They crucified us, beat us, tied us to poles and burned us, wrapped us in gold and silver jewelry, then exalted someone in the world and then we were ridiculed. We stood together in front of the executive detachment, our bodies pressed against each other for the last time, flesh by flesh, as we became utensils for the spirit.

I' M Human - Alexis Karpouzos

I have many fathers and I have many mothers
And I have many sisters and I have many brothers
My brothers are black and my mothers are yellow
And my fathers are red and my sisters are white.

Don't Give Up On Love - Alexis Karpouzos

I thought that my voyage had come to its end
at the last limit of my power,
that the path before me was closed,
that possibilities were exhausted

Jour Après Jour - Alexis Karpouzos

Jour après jour, mon voyage se termine,
les mots s'éteignent sur la langue,
et le moment est venu de se réfugier dans une obscurité silencieuse.
et un jour, sous le grand ciel dans la solitude et le silence,

Life And Death - Alexis Karpouzos

One day, it was a day and all the unborn begun in the abyss on which forms and worlds are built, all the unborn leaped into being and the immortal's gradual birth mid hope and agony is began. One more step, and all is sky and earth, to whatsoever living form I turn I see my own body with another face, comrades and powers and children of the unseen, travelers through the outmeasuring, space and the timeless time.
We Looking to find our souls in all that vast, million universes, light-bubbles of a immensity ocean. Life, death, — death, life, forms of Janus, disguises of integral unity
Hey human, on thy wings thou bearest high,
Glory and disdain, godhead and mortality, ecstasy and pain.

With Humble Heart - Alexis Karpouzos

All this universe, to the furthest stars,
all beyond them, is your flesh, your soul.
And one day, under the great sky in solitude and silence,
with humble heart shall I stand face to face with the abyss,

The Earth Wonders — Alexis Karpouzos

The sky touches the face of the blue earth and whispers, ‘'I am so yours''. The earth wonders, ‘'How could that be. You are boundless. You have so starries jewels in your treasure, stars, suns and moons, and i, I am little, I have no own light. And Beyond that, in the modern era, in the Barbaric greed of civilization, I feel, a thousand deaths on my body, no more flowers left to bloom, no more harvest to reap, tears have become irony, fades daylight''.
And the sky replies, ‘'I know, They came with iron chains,
claws sharper than the wolves,
came hordes of hunters with perverted eyes of contempt. But, even if your tears are restive your heart glistening in trampled darkness'

The Children Of World - Alexis Karpouzos

The tears of a child, the pain of a mother! A heart full of memories of a dead father! Here's so much sorrow, in every eye. Nothing but hurt left here, Nothing but bullets, pain, misery and shattered dreams …Yet for the children of world only one equation counts: their shared humanity. We will gather together as brothers, We will gather together as brothers. and we will live in solidarity with others in this world, we are the thirsty souls of a world without divisions. If we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change, our children's birth right. Let's step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid and don't trust any immortalist. The dove will find a resting place! !

The Empty Day - Alexis Karpouzos

To whom I can stretch out my hand in the somber desert? Who will accompany me on the empty night?
Who will give me a fiery day?
Who will bring back the sea that left?
Oh never let the parting sun,

Love- Alexis Karpouzos

Why must I lose everything I own?
Why must I lose all I have loved
All that I desire, all that I've known?
Time is Relentless, dauntless.

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