Alexis karpouzos

Alexis karpouzos Poems

When day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never ending shade? The loss we carry, a ocean we must wade. We braved the belly of the beast. I have seen you in millions of places. I met you in a million forms. We met among the ruins, the ashes and the bones, we lost them all, but we found each other, I saw your lion heart, and it pulled me. I saw the creation and the destruction in your eyes. I see you here in the mud, on the rock, in the rays of the rising sun. We are Dead and alive, we saw a thousand Christs go by As they went up to Calvary but The dove it found no resting place.

You were where our solar system was formed, you whispered something to me for eternal love and then you fell from my hands and everything became fire. All the myths always showed you.
We are man and woman, plant and stone, amorphous and form, swallow and eagle, snake and gazelle, fantastic creatures of the depths. They crucified us, beat us, tied us to poles and burned us, wrapped us in gold and silver jewelry, then exalted someone in the world and then we were ridiculed. We stood together in front of the executive detachment, our bodies pressed against each other for the last time, flesh by flesh, as we became utensils for the spirit.

I have many fathers and I have many mothers
And I have many sisters and I have many brothers
My brothers are black and my mothers are yellow
And my fathers are red and my sisters are white.

I thought that my voyage had come to its end
at the last limit of my power,
that the path before me was closed,
that possibilities were exhausted

Jour après jour, mon voyage se termine,
les mots s'éteignent sur la langue,
et le moment est venu de se réfugier dans une obscurité silencieuse.
et un jour, sous le grand ciel dans la solitude et le silence,

One day, it was a day and all the unborn begun in the abyss on which forms and worlds are built, all the unborn leaped into being and the immortal's gradual birth mid hope and agony is began. One more step, and all is sky and earth, to whatsoever living form I turn I see my own body with another face, comrades and powers and children of the unseen, travelers through the outmeasuring, space and the timeless time.
We Looking to find our souls in all that vast, million universes, light-bubbles of a immensity ocean. Life, death, — death, life, forms of Janus, disguises of integral unity
Hey human, on thy wings thou bearest high,
Glory and disdain, godhead and mortality, ecstasy and pain.

All this universe, to the furthest stars,
all beyond them, is your flesh, your soul.
And one day, under the great sky in solitude and silence,
with humble heart shall I stand face to face with the abyss,

The sky touches the face of the blue earth and whispers, ‘'I am so yours''. The earth wonders, ‘'How could that be. You are boundless. You have so starries jewels in your treasure, stars, suns and moons, and i, I am little, I have no own light. And Beyond that, in the modern era, in the Barbaric greed of civilization, I feel, a thousand deaths on my body, no more flowers left to bloom, no more harvest to reap, tears have become irony, fades daylight''.
And the sky replies, ‘'I know, They came with iron chains,
claws sharper than the wolves,
came hordes of hunters with perverted eyes of contempt. But, even if your tears are restive your heart glistening in trampled darkness'

The tears of a child, the pain of a mother! A heart full of memories of a dead father! Here's so much sorrow, in every eye. Nothing but hurt left here, Nothing but bullets, pain, misery and shattered dreams …Yet for the children of world only one equation counts: their shared humanity. We will gather together as brothers, We will gather together as brothers. and we will live in solidarity with others in this world, we are the thirsty souls of a world without divisions. If we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change, our children's birth right. Let's step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid and don't trust any immortalist. The dove will find a resting place! !

To whom I can stretch out my hand in the somber desert? Who will accompany me on the empty night?
Who will give me a fiery day?
Who will bring back the sea that left?
Oh never let the parting sun,

Why must I lose everything I own?
Why must I lose all I have loved
All that I desire, all that I've known?
Time is Relentless, dauntless.

Day after day, my voyage ends,
the words die out on the tongue,
and the time come to take shelter in a silent obscurity.
and one day, under the great sky in solitude and silence,

The earth ponders,
'I feel, a thousand deaths on my body,
no more flowers left to bloom,
no more harvest to reap,

i know that i shall meet my shadow, one day, is our fate.
I know that, someday, the light ends for us and the deadly gravity will absorb us. But then, without space and time, without life and death, the infinite pieces will be reunited, a deeper union through the tranquility of silence will be born. And again, a magician spark will shine and a ocean of souls will flood the universe and will give birth to stars and grief. And maybe, just maybe, in another heaven, my dreams will be your dreams. You see, everything repeats itself and everything will be reincarnated in different forms. An incredible miracle, carefree, and we live in it. Please, stand still and breath the generosity of the miracle. The miracle is folded into your heart.

Look, for once
the face of the earth,
look, one life in every seed self sacrificed for us,
look the sun, shines in us,

I'm looking for the face i had before the world was made.
I was the primordial flaring forth, the gravitational waves, the whirling galaxies, and the exploding supernovas that would become stars and planets. I was the steaming planet Earth, the bacteria awash in the sea, and the early eukaryotes and multicellular animals. I exploded in the Cambrian explosion, stumbled onto land, walked with dinosaurs, saw trees and flowers appear, walked upright in Africa, and walked on the moon. I felt the embrace of gravity. I was one with all that had been and all that was to be. I experienced subjective mystical communion with the evolutionary, emergent universe. I was the universe. We know not where the journey leads, nor whether a final destination is even a meaningful concept. The attraction is the inherent thrill of participating in a grand creative endeavor for which participation is its own reward.

The gods are silent in a naked sky,
the stars glitter,
but the eyes of human are closed,
looking through the shadows.

if stars are still lit it means there is someone who needs them.
It means someone wants to love,
Why then do we feel so much pain and heaviness of heart?

When day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never ending shade? The loss we carry, a ocean we must wade. We braved the belly of the beast. I have seen you in millions of places. I met you in a million forms. We met among the ruins, the ashes and the bones, we lost them all, but we found each other, I saw your lion heart, and it pulled me. I saw the creation and the destruction in your eyes. I see you here in the mud, on the rock, in the rays of the rising sun. We are Dead and alive, we saw a thousand Christs go by As they went up to Calvary but The dove it found no resting place. You were where our solar system was formed, you whispered something to me for eternal love and then you fell from my hands and everything became fire. All the myths always showed you.

We are man and woman, plant and stone, amorphous and form, swallow and eagle, snake and gazelle, fantastic creatures of the depths. They crucified us, beat us, tied us to poles and burned us, wrapped us in gold and silver jewelry, then exalted someone in the world and then we were ridiculed. We stood together in front of the executive detachment, our bodies pressed against each other for the last time, flesh by flesh, as we became utensils for the spirit. But don't forget You are my brother, my sister, my child. I took care of you from infancy and you took care of me. We were lovers and friends, we recognized each other with countless disguises, here on one side and there on the other. And in the end, there were no sides at all, only this magnificent loop, this One Circle — majestic, magnificent, royal, timeless, utterly mysterious and towering above all things. Print me in your heart, love is as strong as death '. Does not matter. You are inside me and I am inside you and we will compose again a humanity committed to all cultures, colors, characters, and conditions of man.

The tears of a child, the pain of a mother! A heart full of memories of a dead father! Here's so much sorrow, in every eye. Nothing but hurt left here, Nothing but bullets, pain, misery and shattered dreams …. Yet for the children of world only one equation counts: their shared humanity.

We will gather together as brothers, We will gather together as brothers. and we will live in solidarity with others in this world, we are the thirsty souls of a world without divisions. If we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change, our children's birth right. Let's step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid and don't trust any immortalist. The dove will find a resting place!

What is yours and what is mine oh human
Neither you are immortal and neither me oh human
you fight with me and I fight with you oh human
In the darkness even your shadow won't accompany you oh human, we live, and still we afraid to live,

Alexis karpouzos Biography

Alexis karpouzos is an Greek-born philosopher and author. He was born in Athens on April 9,1967, after attending philosophy and social studies courses at the Athens School of Philosophy and political science courses at the Athens Law School, he continued his studies in psychoanalysis and the psychology of learning. Alexis karpouzos is the Founder of the International Community of Learning, Research and Culture in Greece. Alexis karpouzos Center has contacts and partnerships in 15 countries. More than 12.000 people have participated in the lessons and community's actions. Our goal is to create a spiritual experience in consciousness worldwide where people recognize that we are all part of an interconnected whole. The community's activities include residential courses and conferences. The Community also runs discussion groups, social activities, art workshops, produces events, publishes books and videos in Greece. Apart from its educational and research aspects, the center organizes, develops and takes part in a self-organized actions: ·Art Actions (visual actions, musical actions and drama group) ·Cultural Actions (cinema club, dance club) ·Socilal Actions (Social Solidarity Clinic, social school, School for migrants and refugees) .)

The Best Poem Of Alexis karpouzos

Endless Love - Alexis Karpouzos

When day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never ending shade? The loss we carry, a ocean we must wade. We braved the belly of the beast. I have seen you in millions of places. I met you in a million forms. We met among the ruins, the ashes and the bones, we lost them all, but we found each other, I saw your lion heart, and it pulled me. I saw the creation and the destruction in your eyes. I see you here in the mud, on the rock, in the rays of the rising sun. We are Dead and alive, we saw a thousand Christs go by As they went up to Calvary but The dove it found no resting place.

You were where our solar system was formed, you whispered something to me for eternal love and then you fell from my hands and everything became fire. All the myths always showed you.
We are man and woman, plant and stone, amorphous and form, swallow and eagle, snake and gazelle, fantastic creatures of the depths. They crucified us, beat us, tied us to poles and burned us, wrapped us in gold and silver jewelry, then exalted someone in the world and then we were ridiculed. We stood together in front of the executive detachment, our bodies pressed against each other for the last time, flesh by flesh, as we became utensils for the spirit.

But don't forget You are my brother, my sister, my child. I took care of you from infancy and you took care of me. We were lovers and friends, we recognized each other with countless disguises, here on one side and there on the other. And in the end, there were no sides at all, only this magnificent loop, this One Circle - majestic, magnificent, royal, timeless, utterly mysterious and towering above all things. Print me in your heart, love is as strong as death '. Does not matter. You are inside me and I am inside you and we will compose again a humanity committed to all cultures, colors, characters, and conditions of man

Alexis karpouzos Comments

Alexis karpouzos Quotes

Our road not marked on maps. Fugitives of the centuries, our origin is the breathing and our destination is exhalation, A thousand suns are flowing in our blood, and the vision of infinity is always chasing us. The form cannot tame us, Our days are a fire and our nights a sea. Alexis karpouzos

Our souls are tied across universes, there is unbroken continuity, you see the love is more powerful than death, so let the winds of the heavens to dance with you and give your smile at the other's welcome. Our road not marked on maps. Alexis karpouzos

The world does not consist of subjects and objects, the "subject" and the "object" are metaphysical abstractions of the single and indivisible Wholeness. Man's finite knowledge separates the Whole into parts and studies fragmentarily the beings. The Wholeness is manifested in multiple forms and each form encapsulates the Wholeness. Alexis karpouzos

The universe is not a world of separate things and events but is a cosmos that is connected and coherent. The physical world and spiritual experience are both aspects of the same reality and man and the universe were one. Alexis karpouzos

All beings and things, visible and invisible are interrelated and inseparable, are the same and different forms of open wholeness. The possibility of survival, passing through a generous and friendly relationship with the other man, with the other beings, the planet as a whole, the stars and the whole universe. Alexis karpouzos

You are a point of consciousness within multiple fields of consciousness that interpenetrate each other: A multi-dimensional being within a multi-dimensional Universe. When you realize the unity of all these fields of consciousness you share life with, you partake in conscious communion. Alexis karpouzos

Void and existence coexist and complement each other endlessly in the Cosmos, and beyond this duality is Consciousness of unity. Alexis karpouzos

The sky touches the face of the blue earth and whispers, ''I am so yours''. The earth wonders, ''How could that be. You are boundless. You have so starries jewels, stars, suns and moons, and I, I am little, I have no own light. And Beyond that, in the modern era, in the Barbaric greed of civilization, I feel, a thousand deaths on my body, no more flowers left to bloom, no more harvest to reap, tears have become irony, fades daylight''. And the sky replies, ''I know, they came with iron chains claws sharper than the wolves, came hordes of hunters with perverted eyes of contempt. But, Even if your tears are restive your heart glistening in trampled darkness''.

There are times in our lives we feel much like α flower struggling to bloom. We go through those times of change and growth like a caterpillar in a cocoon Nobody can see the time's hidden work until the day we break through ourselves.

We have no time, we have no space, we are questions that love answers, but the veil of truth don't lift. In the edge of abyss, people really meet themselves, when they're staring at nothingness, and then they understand that we are, birds of passage.

Loneliness, Emotional pain, walks with us through the day, and sleeps with us through the night, Tears that is not visible to the naked eye, silent screams that no one can hear, feeling of relentless distress, Trapped with nowhere to turn, life is changing beyond our control, someone else is pulling the strings, causing this deep ache in the bottom of our soul. but remember, for every soul there is a soul that touches yours - Be it the slightest contact - always there is a gleam of faith in the darkening sky; always there is a glimpse of brigther skies To brave the thickening ills of life; To make this life worthwhile.

I came into existence, naked yet clothed with innocence and unaware, bathed with my mother's blood, old folks heard me cry and were so glad. I came not into this unknown sphere by my own will and I will not leave of my own will but i will drink the wine of the mystery and become drunk with anguish, fear and love. So short, so precious a life, a fragile life under threat.

Why must I lose everything I own? Why must I lose all I have loved All that I desire, all that I've known? Time is Relentless, dauntless. Like a fleeting moment, like a speck of dust In a quick heartbeat, in a fleeting breath Loss descends like darkness Like the deep calm of death. but love Declares a war on loss, on the inevitable, asserts its arrogance, love shines its sword. Such valiance is what makes one stand Without fear or dilemma, unguarded Challenging death's aggressive blows. Yet again and again, life's designs must fail. Yet there is a need so great, a longing so strong Time's lesson unheeded, all defeats ignored Love asserts its arrogance, love shines its sword. "You're not real, death, you do not exist" Life asserts proudly, as death smirks on Pride stands firm, love marches ahead Knowing unknowingly…. that all will be gone. that the Tears evaporate.

At least, above us, stars shine, tiny pieces of heaven that overflowing with generosity and absorb our tiredness. Every heart's a star within, that echoing the bliss of eternity, every star's a aflame heart that holds our hand.

When in the world grows the dark cold and the empty desolation, then going back where one starts from. Do you recall the longing of our wishes? It is time, rise up to meet the heaven, to kiss the stars, to wrap your arms around the light.

I know not what tomorrow may unfold, Or where the roads, as yet untrod, may lead; but i know There are no borders, only wind. Like you, I was born. Like you, I was raised in the arms of dreaming. Sometime, We'll read the meaning of our tears, And we'll understand.

''God, why give Wings for the angels, but feet for people? . ''You were born to dream, you were born to love''. ''Give me wine. Give me bread, Lift me higher! Lift me higher! From this sphere of earthly dross, redeem me from the clay!

Creatures of clay, vain dwellers in the dust, lonely, we roam like the cloud, the wind, the wave, Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth, nor death Can raise a soul to heaven, only love, the new creation, and all we see is a shadow of things unseen, and time that comes to flee Is but the broken echo of a rhyme In heart's great epic of Eternity. Heedless and blind to Wisdom's wasted light!

In the burrows of the Nightmare Where Justice naked is, life watches from the shadow And the stars go squawking but Life remains a blessing No winter without a spring beyond the dark horizon a brighter day For those who leave us for a while Out of a restless, care worn world Our hearts will once more sing a sun will always sing and a sky will carry our heart into stars.

Oh, dove of peace, amidst the chaos, a silent plea In your beak, an olive branch held tight a symbol of unity, in the world's plight soar above, oh bird of serene grace spread your message to every space with each feather's stroke, erase the hate and sing the anthem of unity.

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