Amber Dawn

Amber Dawn Poems

Some days just look colder than others
I wonder why that is
How a day can appear to be freezing when it's really 90 degrees
How I even get a chill down my spine

Amber Dawn Biography

I am a woman of God, at least I attempt to be, most of the time. I'm growing and learning daily, and God is changing & molding me monthly. There's not a day that passes by that I'm not amazed or blessed by Him. I've been saved 2 years this upcoming Thanksgiving. Hallelujah! I've had a beautifully disastrous life in my short 18 years being here on earth. Satan has tricked me; God has blessed me. The devil tried to kill me multiple times; the Lord saved me even when I was undeserving. I have in the past 2 years become a person no one ever thought I'd be, including myself. I had, at one time in my life, lost everything, only to wake up one beautiful morning to see I had gained more than I had ever desired. I now have a loving family that has never turned away from me. My first mother passed 2 months previous to the Lord saving me, and 2 months post being saved He blessed me with what I love to call, 'My 2nd chance', also known as my 2nd Mom. She has done more for me in the past 2 years than all of my so-called 'loved ones' could have ever done for me(presently and in the past) , even if they had the desire to. So I have come to the conclusion that in life there are no bad days, just hard ones. But that's quite alright because if you look to the HeavenlyFather, Abba, regardless of the situation, He can and will be there for you. He'll hold you now, and forevermore so long as you let him. I'm forever grateful for that. GodBless)

The Best Poem Of Amber Dawn

'Cold' Days

Some days just look colder than others
I wonder why that is
How a day can appear to be freezing when it's really 90 degrees
How I even get a chill down my spine
by watching the wind breeze
Sometimes I see the world through different lenses
Sometimes things get so foggy & I find I'm in need of cleansin'
I'm on the outside looking in to my confusion of
what this world is really about
Giving up is no longer my chosen route
Open the doors & you'll see it's not as comfortable as it looks
The wind flows but doesn't envelop me,
Here is He, my God, Abba...
breathing life into me
I am free
I turn around and there are demons, consequently
I see them hovering over me
But I know my guardians are not only watching me
...they're winning the fight to protect me
So as the trees sway & steadily I feel nothing
As the chaos continues elsewhere & I hear nothing
My nightmares fade away & I keep dreaming

And I take things how they are, not how they're seeming

I flow

And i fade away in His presence

I float

Away into His arms with my blessings

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