Amy Louise Kerswell Poems

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Dont Try And Save Me Let Me Go

Dont try and save me
If you find me
Before I have died
Let my blood pour out


Dreams can be kept.
Thankfully its one thing to keep.
That people cant take away.

No One Listened

No one listened to me.
I tried to get help.
I just wanted it to stop.
But all I got was called a liar.

Will You Notice?

Will You notice when I'm gone?
Will you no when the phone just rings out?
Your sure to have no doubt.
Will you just think I'm sleeping?

Destined To Be Alone

And so it shall be.
My fate is to be all alone.
I can't trust people now.
I've been hurt far to many times.

Deaths Gate

There's a gate that I want to walk through.
I want to go to deaths gate.
Where all my troubles will be gone.
No more hartache no more fears.

She'Ll Hide Her Face

She'll hide her face when shes not alone.
she slaps on her a mask, but its not her own.
It's the mask that everyone else wears.
She wants to be just like them


I get this feeling inside.
It runs skin deep and cuts me to the core.
I feel so numb and life seem a shore.
The feeling is so deep.

She Will Not Cry

She has pain locked in her eyes.
But still she will not cry.
No she wont.
She will not cry.

The Ambulance Outside.

Can you see that ambulance outside?
I suppose you wonder what it doing there?
Bet you think what's the nutter done now?
She's a right one her.

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