Anastasia Paraskevoulakou

Anastasia Paraskevoulakou Poems

The sun rose today again
to feed the glacier.
Crystallized thoughts
within the boughs.

A frozen winter, the living room.
The canvas remains blank.
The columbines, just two weeks old,
escape the ruin.

A reasonably wet month,
moderately sunny
in most areas
with high temperatures

The codes of the narrative
keep me awake.
Vigilant the soul
fails to soften

The mushroom of memory
is expanding on the glass table
in the room upstairs
on the side with the large window,

The Best Poem Of Anastasia Paraskevoulakou


The sun rose today again
to feed the glacier.
Crystallized thoughts
within the boughs.
naked Medeas
with rage and arrogance.
The light blurs vision.
The real and the illusory
are mixed in the heat of love.
Light, a heliotrope
amidst words of deterioration,
how can I bring you back
to daily existence,
so we can behold one another
leaping in passion?

translated from Greek by Despina L. Crist and Robert Crist

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