Andy Brookes Poems

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Salty Salt Salt

Holier Than Thou

priest mouths flowery platitudes, out of key organ a counter point.
man nailed to the tree seemed to weep, was it for this my sacrifice?

Incensed by the choking incense, mummery of the ritual, its meaning lost;

A Cats Paw

It tickles my fancy watching the cat tickle fish, which reminds me of your fishing for compliments.
a complimentary book landed on the door mat.
pouncing on it like a cat, which strangely pounced on it too.
we tugged at war and wrestled each other, paper shredded.

Limerick, Bananas

The bananasbent so they say
Don'tknow why, it's just that way
It really is quite absurd
As really banana is a herb

Conjuring Magic Thoughts

wishing I could write like a child, to speak truth and have no fear;
see throughinnocent eyes in a playground of the small things
but not small thoughts to limit imagination.

No Happy New Year

at the peripheries of nature that seem neither natural nor man made
that rangy area between town and urban sprawl
the builders spoil heaps full of broken brick and hardcore
where the grass slips from manicuredgreen trim

A Tongue In Cheek (An Homage To William Blake)

Computer!Computer! burning bright
I can see your twinkling lights
What masterpiece of technology
Made thee, we askverily.

Transitory Transformations

chrysalises,changing metamorphic,
becoming bright winged butterflies
glorying transient hours.
Impermanent flashy beings

Arising At Stupid O'clock

tick tock tonic time tintinnabulations.
Wake,wake, cries the clock, alarmed, pointing accusing fingers.
I rise, panicked,cut myself shaving, a blood offering to Chronos.

Not A Haiku 'curtains'

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