Bri Edwards Animal Poems

You, out there, who read this, AND are agriculturally-adept,
may be surprised at my definition of (see title) , AND ……with WHAT I've slept.

I came into this world, born of two married humans; I'm sure

It’s not MY idea for a poem title, but
my wife’s, whose got me in a bridal bridle.
She’s lived with an animal before, but
NOW, in ME, she’s got near-a-score!

To Whom … US Postal Service …….it may concern:
At a board meeting I was recently troubled to learn …..
that you've gotten credit for creating 'Snail Mail'.
Please cease and desist, …..'or else'……, without fail!

In Dingle Bay two friends did play.
One a mammal and one a bird.
They helped each other, people say.
Some thought the “match” absurd.

It seems as though it was at least a month ago a newborn pig
was 'lost'.
Correction: All 3 of pig triplets disappeared & Bharati, in her sleep, may have tossed.
They weren't born in India; they weren't her pigs at all, but she

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