Francis Duggan Animals Poems

Those Cruel To Animals

Those cruel to animals can be cruel to people they find their pleasure on inflicting pain
For cruelty to the cruel is a power thing gratification from seeing their victims suffer they gain
Cruel people they have lost their human compassion the window to their soul shaded to light
They even are bordering on the psychotic in distinguishing on what is wrong from right,

Those Who Can Be Cruel To Birds And Animals

Those who can be cruel to birds and animals to people can be cruel
The cruel streak that is in them to their brutality gives fuel
The evil bubbling in them is all out of control
They lack in the warmth of love with darkness of the soul

Because Of Me Animals Suffer

That I condemn cruelty to animals may seem hypocritical since I am one who often eat meat
And many animals slaughtered for human consumption those responsible for them mistreat
And since I am not a vegetarian I am not in a position to say
That I am not responsible for cruelty to animals when I am in an indirect way.

Those Who Are Cruel To Animals To Humans Too Will Be Cruel

Those who are cruel to animals to humans too will be cruel
To the callousness in them it can be the fuel
Those who beat their dog another person too can beat
Though sooner or later their come uppance they meet.

Those Who Are Cruel To Animals

'Tis something I learned early in my life when I was in Primary School
That those who are cruel to animals to humans can be cruel
For cruelty does not have borders as a weapon of power
And the one who is brave with a gun without it easily cower.

The One Who Is Cruel To Animals

The one who is cruel to animals can be cruel to humans as well
Of examples of this there are many and so many stories to tell
For cruelty does not have borders it is a power sort of a thing
But of the praises of anyone who beats their dogs you never hear anyone sing

In Climate Change Many Species Of Animals And Birds

In Climate Change many species of animals and birds getting rare
Within a decade many more species will be extinct of which we are aware
But that governments place environmentally damaging jobs before the natural environment seems puzzling indeed
As you cannot have good fruit if you do not plant the good seed

Because Of Us Animals Suffer

Because of us animals suffer the animals we kill for their meat
And on this i am as guilty as the butchers since the cooked flesh of slaughtered creatures i eat
The battery fowl raised in cages, the pigs born and raised in crates
The cattle fattened in crowded feedlots their meat is for our dinner plates

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