Anne Carson Poems

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Apostle Town

After your death.
It was windy every day.
Every day.
Opposed us like a wall.

Book of Isaiah, Part I

Isaiah awoke angry.
Lapping at Isaiah's ears black birdsong no it was anger.
God had filled Isaiah's ears with stingers.

Bride Town

Hanging on the daylight black.
As an overcoat with no man in it one cold bright.
Noon the Demander was waiting for me.

Short Talk on Trout

In haiku there are various sorts of expressions
about trout—"autumn trout" and "descending
trout" and "rusty trout" are some I have heard.
"Descending trout" and "rusty trout" are trout
that have laid their eggs. Worn out, completely
exhausted, they are going down to the sea. Of
course there were occasionally trout that spent
the winter in deep pools. These were called
"remaining trout."

Short Talk on The Rules of Perspective

A bad trick. Ghastly mistake. Downright
dishonesty. These are the views of Braque.
Why? Braque rejected perspective. Why?
Someone who spends his life drawing profiles
will end up believing that man has one eye,
Braque felt. Braque wanted to take full
possession of objects. He has said as much
in published interviews. Watching the small
shiny planes of the landscape recede out of
his grasp filled Braque with loss. So he
smashed them. "Nature morte," said Braque.

Short Talk on Homo Sapiens

With small cuts Cro-Magnon man recorded
the moon's phases on the handles of his
tools, thinking about her as he worked.
Animals. Horizon. Face in a pan of
water. In every story I tell comes
a point where I can see no further.
I hate that point. It is why they
call storytellers blind—a taunt.

Thunderstorm Stack

A bird flashed by as if mistaken then it
starts. We do not think speed of life.
We do not think why hate Jezebel? We

Love Town

She ran in.
Wet corn.
Yellow braid.
Down her back.

Town of the Sound of a Twig Breaking

Their faces I thought were knives.
The way they pointed them at me.
And waited.

Town of Spring Once Again

'Spring is always like what it used to be.'
Said an old Chinese man.
Rain hissed down the windows.

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