We are the people, the people of Africa
We are black and proud
We are mighty and strong
We are the giants in the green Sahara;
dark clouds cover the blue sky
angry wind wangle so wild
men and women dart here and there
like running from a wild beast
The bells I hear ringing
The yells so near to us
A year’s heading to the dust
Flowers filling the empty floors
O, see how, many years can make a man,
A very strong man now a weakling
A handsome lad, now a clownish looking fellow.
His coiled black hair now grey like the sky
We have gone to school
Took the tough path with bravery
The wind sailed by yesterday
At twilight ere the night
Little creature, little creature
You sing to me a sad song when
Worry not always you being
Worry not of tomorrow and future things
Worry not of what you cannot change
But plan to face them as they come.
Nothing is easy to start at first
But we all just need to start a thing
Burn our past and move ahead
To new things we dream and want.
My Africa, my Africa
My Africa is the land of beauty,
The land of plenty primordial heritage
The land of many ancient myths