Bri Edwards April Poems

Introductory Poem:

Is it me, Bri, or Poem Hunter, which makes sharing (with you) these verses....
so cumbersome and frustrating? Is it my advancing age OR some other curses? !

Last month's showcase, for me, has come and gone, ignored by many.
But, hey, that's one good thing on PH; you may read all OR not any!
I prefer to use poems not too long, so some I'll edit. Don't you fret.
Each poet may have one poem each month here. Will I get ………..

My PH "Main Page" says that I, Bri, am 70 years young; SOME say "OLD"!
For goodness sake, I'll not be 70 till the end of June; PH I must NOW scold! !
But THAT is ‘neither here nor there'.It's time to begin my monthly task …
of letting you view some poems I've enjoyed, …………not that YOU've asked …

Introductory Poem:

'Time moves on' some SAY, and I too shall move on some DAY! Don't cry, not yet,
because no 'moving day' is yet set. I've had a good life and now feel not much regret.

Bri's Introductory Poem:

I had a GREAT INTRODUCTORY POEM, which, from here, did disappear.
It's not the first & won't be the last words I've 'lost'; to lose more I do now fear.

[[ Showcase's Introductory poem, by Bri]]:

**British Isles:

**British Isles:
England, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Wales,
&‘smaller islands', from which all distant travel ….once was by sails.
They are all part of Europe, though many of you may not, it, know.

I’ve started a 'showcase' on my PoemHunter site,
which is NOT a contest; it’s no arena for a fight,
but instead a place where once a month I shall post..
a poem from you, a PH member, which you’d like read most.

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