Attoor Sreekanthanezhuthachan Poems

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Celestial Love

Awesome this love, the tale incredulous
He very strong, she elegant & amorous
Eternal love theirs', to each remain pious
True, their love, whole universe envious


From she came me with a solid connection
Her love started, I was just a cell under creation
I fed on her from the time of my formation
She selflessly gave me all with a lot of affection


Quite often think why to speak English
You look smart when you talk English
Smarter when pronouncing like English
Imagine not, the world without English

Made In China

Was loitering in heaven, munching a muffin
All glued to phone even while having tiffin
Get a phone I could not, all guarded by Griffin
Erred big time by not putting it in my coffin


Saw your smile, so beautiful, instantly I fell in love
Life easy not, secretly kept in my heart, my love
Lord, please give me that smile, give me my love
Forget my son, set your life up, this is no time for love


Don't hire anybody, get hired by somebody
Display ownership, "ME" supreme body
Later reality strikes and feels like nobody
Too late, nothing left, no mind, no body

Chocolate Valentine

Hey handsome! will you be my valentine?
Ok, hesitantly I said, she looked fifty-nine
Shall act like one for a while, will it be fine?
Gifted me a rose, she said now you are mine

Copy Paste

Think not, life without copy paste
No options, all living life in a haste
Don't master this, you a real waste
Delayed output, boss in a bad taste

Does It Matter? The Road Not Taken

End of the month for salary we crave
Salary, spend not, for future we save
No to acts of fun, dull life, just survive
Decided to have fun, went on a drive

Simple Life

Want to possess each and everything
Later not at all happy with anything
Feel the best things in life aren't things
Makes you happy sweet simple things

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