Audrey Heller Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Thank You God

Thank you God, that I can walk.
Thank you God, that I can talk.
Thank you God, that I can hear
and see. Thank you God, for

The Wrath Of Mother Nature

The wrath of Mother Nature, is truly
beyond belief. For when she's done,
she brings a lot of grief. It doesn't
take long, before the damage gets


Being over confident, isn't in
your best interest, as of now.
Instead of wasting time talking,
put all your available energy,

It Never Worked Out

I wanted to come and see you,
it never worked out that way.
I thought it would change, but
it didn't, I'm sorry to say. Time

When It's Gone

I'm sure you've heard people say,
when you haven't got it anymore,
you miss it the most, when it's gone.
It's kind of sad, it comes as an after

Trying To Stay Fit

In this day and age, one tries
to stay fit. The problem being,
can you keep up, with it? With
all good intentions, you try hard

The Bride

There's nothing as beautiful as a
bride, on her wedding day! She's
absolutely radiant, everyone will
say. What makes the difference

You'Re Always On My Mind

I know I have to deal, with the
practical side of life, but still,
find it hard to do. Other things,
may be on my mind, but still, I

Witches Ghosts And Goblins

Witches, ghosts and goblins,
all dressed up for Halloween.
If you're on the squeamish side,
it's enough to make you scream.

Don'T Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Don't bite off, more than you can
chew! As there is no doubt, you'll
come to regret it. If you do, a little
bit at a time, it won't be necessary

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