Michael Shepherd Autumn Poems

! Autumn In The Northerm Hemisphere, Spring In The South..

It’s autumn here: the leaves fall brown,
the nights are cold and frosty,
the days are shorter and shorter,
there’s snow on the way…

0195 Autumn Gardener

Gathering rosebuds with my rake;
the wooden tines scraping
over the gravel path
bringing a token of order

0103 These Late Autumn Days

these late autumn days
leaves fall like poems
green as new thoughts
yellow as wisdom

0031 Autumn's Wild, Rough Days

These wild, rough autumn days
as cooling Northern hemisphere
shudders towards its equinox
with gales and rain and blown-off leaves,

0050 Morning Rain In Early Autumn

Today the soft rain is
not falling, rather blessing,
as gentle as mercy,
making the air

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