Michael Shepherd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Love Love Love

Oh it's so easy to say -

'Give what you think you lack -
You feel unloved? Then give love, and love, and love...'...

! A Grief Ago

'There is no grief
which time does not lessen
or soften' -
so said Cicero, a man so often right;

! A Wish

I'd like to write - like grown-up poets do:
with similes that span the universe,
that sparkle, crackle, dazzle, woo the mind;
and touch the heart with tender, swoony verse...

! Metaphor

A pretty girl
is like a simile
and vice-a-versa
so I'd say

! Baby Love, Maybe Love

so there you are in
your pram or kiddikarria
nicely tucked up,
being talked to in that

! An Angry Poem About Peace

This is an angry poem.
About those weasel phrases
which blow like paper in the street
going nowhere,

! A Poet

He — or was it she?
was a child who said little
but walked, endlessly, just looking

! ! Love's Grammar Book

I love you.

That's it, really.
all there is to say.

! A Platonic Reminiscence Of A Great Lady

Someone mentioned your name yesterday
and I was silent

You loved goodness, you were goodness,

! A Poem For Samuel

Who is that man who calls you ' a nobody'?
Oh, he's nobody.

Who is that man who says 'You're really somebody'?

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