Bancroft Boreland Poems

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Life Goes On

Our days may be happy
Our days may be sad
But life goes on
The mountains may crumble

A Burning Desire

I do not know
If loving you is right or wrong
But in your heart is the only place that I belong
For a life with you I am craving

The Weight Of Love

In the arms of sadness I am confined
In my dry tears I drown
So often I attempt to fly to paradise
Only to feel the oppressive hand of gravity pushing me back down

Remember Me

Remember me
Every time the sea comes to shore
And when I am physically no more
Remember me

God Asked Me

God asked me if I am happy
I said it’s a feeling I have never felt
God asked me if I was in love
I told him love is a person I have never seen

I Wonder

I wonder what beauty would look like
If there weren’t any colours
What would the world smell like
If there weren’t any flowers?

Letting Go

In this prison for broken hearts
I am surrounded by walls made of tears
I am a criminal whose only crime
was falling in love with you

What If

Do you want the rays of the sun?
Or the tears of the clouds?
Should I whisper my love?
Or should I sing it aloud?

When Beauty Said Goodbye

At twenty one she is a physically perfect being
No words can ever tell of her beauty
That has no parallel
She is the object of men’s’ fantasies

A Prayer

I have made mistakes, I have done much wrong
Thank you for giving me the strength to go on
There was evil and darkness in my heart
Thank you for being my light in the dark

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