Ramesh T A Beach Poems

A Beach Playground!

A Beautiful Beach Of Danger!

Golden Moon has appeared high above the night Sea;
Heavy wind is blowing fast after a long spell of heat;
Sea looks beautiful enticing new comers to swim soon!

A Fun In Holiday Beach!

Taking bath in the salt water of sea in the beach
People go to take clean water shower bath ever..!
Double bath they take dancing by the jolly music
To have great fun wit friends in holiday beach..!

An Evening Visit To Beach!

An Evening Visit to Beach!

At a distance, a ship is crossing on the sea
Till the end of beach town in the East

A Heavenly Freshness In The Beach!

Cyclonic depression has moved away with weakened effect;
Calm has returned after heavy wind and rain now and then!
Silvery Moon has risen up converting sea into a milky ocean
By its bright white light beams falling on waves here and there!

A Sand Island Beach!

Paradise beach is a small sand island
With a few trees and green grass near
The rough sea that has taken many lives!

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