beautiful imperfection Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Let Me Be Me, Give Me That Chance

I tell myself not to hide,

but then you come along

Countless Tears

See these tears
watch them fall,
they're all because
of this stupid wall,

My Best Friend Is Also My Hero

I just sat there
trying to hold in
all my emotions
I didn't want to give in.

Free To Be

I remember thinking,
What is this feeling inside of me,
I talked it out
With a friend or two,

Caught Up In The Drama That Surrounds Everyday Life

Why is there so much drama
in my life today?
It's preventing me
from putting my mask away.

My Smile

Look me in the eyes,
that's where the real truth lies.
Look beyond this smile I wear,
do this, and show me you care.

It crept upon me slowly,

Of its presence I was unaware,

Why Do I Do These Things I Do?

Why do I do these things I do?
Why am I so quick to hide

Blaming You Doesn'T Get Me Very Far

I can't get this off my mind and it's tearing me up,
I try to let go but it all comes crashing back again.
I try to deny how I feel towards you,
I try to ignore the pain,

You Never Walked Away...

You came into my life
and never walked away,
even when I moved
and we could no longer play.

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