Bei Dao

Bei Dao Poems

Lovers holding pits in their mouths
make vows and delight in each other
till the underwater infant
periscopes his parents
and is born

an uninvited guest knocks at my
door, determined to go deep
into the interior of things

the trees applaud

wait a minute, the full moon
and this plan are making me nervous
my hand fluttering
over the obscure implications of the letter
let me sit in the dark
a while longer, like
sitting on a friend's heart

the city a burning deck
on the frozen sea
can it be saved? it must be saved
the faucet drip-drop drip-drop
mourns the reservoir

a child carrying flowers walks toward the new year
a conductor tattooing darkness
listens to the shortest pause

hurry a lion into the cage of music
hurry stone to masquerade as a recluse
moving in parallel nights

who's the visitor? when the days all
tip from nests and fly down roads
the book of failure grows boundless and deep

each and every moment's a shortcut
I follow it through the meaning of the East
returning home, closing death's door

wolves of music weave their way at a run
hawthorns wheeze with clandestine laughter

turning a new leaf, tide's out
young ship-captains high up on balconies
look far away through telescopes

east and west
a single fruit cut into halves

beneath a tree grown from the pit I once spit out
I've hung nets to
trap birds, and waited how many years

for Shanshan

The wave of that year
flooded the sands on the mirror
to be lost is a kind of leaving
and the meaning of leaving
the instant when all languages
are like shadows cast from the west

life's only a promise
don't grieve for it
before the garden was destroyed
we had too much time
debating the implications of a bird flying
as we knocked down midnight's door

alone like a match polished into light
when childhood's tunnel
led to a vein of dubious ore
to be lost is a kind of leaving
and poetry rectifying life
rectifies poetry's echo


a sower walks into the great hall
it's war out there, he says
and you awash in emptiness
you've sworn off your duty to sound the alarm
I've come in the name of fields
it's war out there

I walk out from that great hall
all four directions a boundless harvest scene
I start planning for war
rehearsing death
and the crops I burn
send up the wolf-smoke of warning fires

but something haunts me furiously:
he's sowing seed across marble floors

In father's level imagination
the persistent cries of children
finally strike against a mountain
don't panic
I walk along the thoughts of certain trees
and turn from stuttering into song

sorrow that comes from afar
is a form of power
that I use to saw tables
some people depart for love
while a palace in pursuit of storms
journeys past many kingdoms

beyond life with
furniture, fleas beat a great drum
Daoist priests practice their ascent to heaven
youth pass down the lanes
sobbing over night's logic
I achieve rest


in Ramallah
the ancients play chess in the starry sky
the endgame flickers
a bird locked in a clock
jumps out to tell the time

in Ramallah
the sun climbs over the wall like an old man
and goes through the market
throwing mirror light on
a rusted copper plate

in Ramallah
gods drink water from earthen jars
a bow asks a string for directions
a boy sets out to inherit the ocean
from the edge of the sky

in Ramallah
seeds sown along the high noon
death blossoms outside my window
resisting, the tree takes on a hurricane's
violent original shape

The wind is intimate with love
summer shimmers with imperial colors
someone fishing lonesomely measures
the earth's wounds
the chiming clock is swelling
those of you strolling through the afternoon
please join in the meaning of the age

some people bow to a piano
others carry a ladder by
sleepiness has been checked for a few minutes
only a few minutes
the sun is researching the shadow
I quaff water from a bright mirror
and spot the enemy in my mind's eye

the tenor's singing
enrages the sea like an oil tanker
at 3 A.M. I open a can
releasing those fish into the light

The night is rushing to perfection
I drift inside language
the musical instruments of death
are filled with ice

who sings on the crevice
of days, water turns bitter
flames hemorrhage
pouncing like pumas to the stars
there must be form
for there to be dreams

in the chill of early morning
a wide-awake bird
gets closer to the truth
while my poems and I
sink as one

February in books:
certain movements, certain shadows


scared out of our wits
carry lanterns chasing spring

scars gleam, cups rotate
rays of light are created
watch for that moment of bewitchery
a thief steals into the post office
letters send out shrieks

nails, oh nails
the words of this song will not be changed
firewood huddled closely
searching for an audience

searching for the heart of winter
the end of the stream
the boatman waits for all-penetrating dusk

someone has to rewrite love

at the end of a perfect day
those simple people looking for love
left scars on twilight

there must be a perfect sleep
in which angels tend certain
blossoming privileges

when the perfect crime happens
clocks will be on time
trains will start moving

a perfect flame in amber
war's guests
gather around it keeping warm

stage hushed, perfect moon rising
the pharmacist is preparing
a total poison of time

Ruhmsüchtig verdunkelt sich die Erde
Wir lesen vom Licht in einem Buch
aus Beton, wir lesen die Wahrheit

Eine goldene Bombe explodiert
Wir sind zum Leid bereit
zur Darbietung von Wunden

Archäologen werden entdecken
das Gespenst der Zeit auf einem Negativ
Ein Kind hält es in Händen und sagt nein

Die Geschichte hindert unseren Flug
der Vogel unseren Weg
das Bein unseren Traum

Wir haben uns geboren, wir
die Geburt

Ein Abend mit der Neigung zur Perfektion
Ich treibe von Wort zu Wort
Das Instrument des Todes
hat sich mit Eis bestückt

Jemand singt seine Lieder
in den Fugen der Zeit, darüber wird bitter das Wasser
die Flamme verliert ihr Blut
der Bengalkatze gleich auf der Flucht zu den Sternen
Es bedarf einer Form
zu träumen

In der Kühle des Morgens
kommt ein Vogel erwacht
der Wahrheit näher
doch ich versinke
mit meinem Gedicht

Der Februar in den Büchern:
ein paar Zuckungen, ein paar Schatten

Am Anfang war der heimische Brauch
Vater war wie ein Vogel in den Lüften
der an schläfrigem Fluß
plötzlich die Richtung ändert
Du aber warst längst tief im Dunst

Falls Erinnerung nicht trügt
wie in Sternwarten der Nachthimmel
schnittest du deine Nägel
schlossest die Tür, öffnetest die Tür
Die Freunde erkannten dich kaum

Bis hin zu den Briefen der frühen Tage
verlor alles seinen Schatten
Bei Sonnenuntergang lauschtest du
Eine neue Stadt
entstand in Quartetten

Gestalten, destilliert im Traum
werfen am Horizont die Fahnen fort

Der Teich wird licht
Das Gelächter der Vermißten
beweist Schmerz
ist der Schrei des Lotos

Unser Schweigen
wird Strohbrei, wird
Papier, ein Winter
zur Heilung von Schreibwunden

Für Shanshan

In den Wellen jenes Jahres
ist versunken der Sand des Spiegels
Irrwege sind Abschiede
aber Abschied meint
die Momente aller Worte
sind wie Schatten im Westen

Leben ist nur ein Versprechen
Sei nicht verletzt um seinetwillen
Bevor der Garten verfiel
hatten wir zuviel Zeit
für den Streit, ob der Flug der Vögel
das Tor zur Mitternacht aufstößt

Einsamkeit wird entzündet wie ein Streichholz
wenn der Stollen der Kindheit
zu verdächtigem Flöz führt
Irrwege sind Abschiede
aber Gedichte korrigieren das Leben
korrigieren das Echo der Gedichte






Wenn die Wächter tief schlafen
machst Du kehrt und mit dir der Orkan
Was die Umarmung flieht, ist
die Rose der Zeit

Wenn der Weg der Vögel den Himmel bestimmt
schaust du zur Abendsonne zurück
Was schwindend erscheint, ist
die Rose der Zeit

Wenn Messer sich im Wasser krümmen
überquerst du auf Flötentönen Brücke um Brücke
Was verborgen klagt, ist
die Rose der Zeit

Wenn Stifte Horizonte malen
wirst du vom Gong im Osten geweckt
Was widerhallend sich öffnet, ist
die Rose der Zeit

Einem Spiegel bleibt ewig dieser Moment
der Moment auf dem Weg zum Tor der Wiedergeburt
Dieses Tor öffnet sich dem Meer
der Rose der Zeit

when the watchman falls asleep
you turn back with the storm
to grow old embracing is
the rose of time

when bird roads define the sky
you look behind at the sunset
to emerge in disappearance is
the rose of time

when the knife is bent in water
you cross the bridge stepping on flute-songs
to cry in the conspiracy is
the rose of time

when a pen draws the horizon
you're awakened by a gong from the East
to bloom in echoes is
the rose of time

in the mirror there is always this moment
this moment leads to the door of rebirth
the door opens to the sea
the rose of time

cuando el sereno se duerme
te vuelves con la tormenta
envejecer en el abrazo es
la rosa del tiempo

cuando el camino de las aves define el cielo
volteas para mirar el ocaso
surgir desapareciendo es
la rosa del tiempo

cuando el cuchillo se dobla en el agua
cruzas el puente pisando canciones de flauta
lamentarse en la conjura es
la rosa del tiempo

cuando una pluma dibuja el horizonte
te despierta un gong desde el este
florecer en ecos es
la rosa del tiempo

en el espejo siempre está este momento
este momento conduce a la puerta del renacer
la puerta se abre al mar
la rosa del tiempo

Bei Dao Biography

Bei Dao (literally: "Northern Island", born August 2, 1949) is the pen name of Chinese poet Zhao Zhenkai. He was born in Beijing. He chose the pen name because he came from the north and because of his preference for solitude. Bei Dao is the most notable representative of the Misty Poets, a group of Chinese poets who reacted against the restrictions of the Cultural Revolution. As a teenager, Bei Dao was a member of the Red Guards, the enthusiastic followers of Mao Zedong who enforced the dictates of the Cultural Revolution, often through violent means. He had misgivings about the Revolution and was "re-educated" as a construction worker, from 1969 to 1980. Bei Dao and Mang Ke founded the magazine Jintian (Today), the central publication of the Misty Poets, which was published from 1978 until 1980, when it was banned. The work of the Misty Poets and Bei Dao in particular were an inspiration to pro-democracy movements in China. Most notable was his poem "Huida" (回答, "The Answer") which was written during the 1976 Tiananmen demonstrations in which he participated. The poem was taken up as a defiant anthem of the pro-democracy movement and appeared on posters during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. During the 1989 protests and subsequent shootings, Bei Dao was at a literary conference in Berlin and was not allowed to return to China until 2006. (Three other leading Misty Poets — Gu Cheng, Duo Duo, and Yang Lian — were also exiled.) His then wife, Shao Fei, and their daughter were not allowed to leave China to join him for another six years. Since 1987, Bei Dao has lived and taught in England, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, and the United States. His work has been translated into twenty-five languages, including five poetry volumes in English[6] along with the story collection Waves (1990) and the essay collections Blue House (2000) and Midnight's Gate (2005). Bei Dao continued his work in exile. His work has been included in anthologies such as The Red Azalea: Chinese Poetry Since the Cultural Revolution (1990) and Out of the Howling Storm: The New Chinese poetry. Bei Dao has won numerous awards, including the Tucholsky Prize from Swedish PEN, International Poetry Argana Award from the House of Poetry in Morocco, the Golden Wreath of the Struga Poetry Evenings. and the PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award. He is an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Jintian was resurrected in Stockholm in 1990 as a forum for expatriate Chinese writers. He has taught and lectured at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Beloit College, Wisconsin, and is Professor of Humanities in the Center for East Asian Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has been repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature.)

The Best Poem Of Bei Dao

Moon Festival

Lovers holding pits in their mouths
make vows and delight in each other
till the underwater infant
periscopes his parents
and is born

an uninvited guest knocks at my
door, determined to go deep
into the interior of things

the trees applaud

wait a minute, the full moon
and this plan are making me nervous
my hand fluttering
over the obscure implications of the letter
let me sit in the dark
a while longer, like
sitting on a friend's heart

the city a burning deck
on the frozen sea
can it be saved? it must be saved
the faucet drip-drop drip-drop
mourns the reservoir

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