Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Dry Your Eyes

J-ust dry your eyes now,
O-pen them to bright sky;
Y-es, the dawn has broken,
A-fter the twilight passes by.

Don't Mention The War

J-ust don't mention the war,
O-r it will cause tension;
A-rgument is unnecessary,
N-ever provoke a

Old Age

A-n old age symbolizes
R-ighteous way of life;
S-trong faith has worked,
E-liminating the strife.

Just Find No Excuse

J-ust find no excuse,
O-bey and never complain;
Y-ou must follow the order,
L-et your soul and spirit gain.

Let The Dust Settle

L-et the dust settle,
I-nstead of making it gray;
E-vade the rugged wind,
Z-ealously take trouble

As Good As New

L-ovely lines from your lips
O-pen the dawn again;
R-epeated sound of phrases
I-s never going to end.

Anchor Of News On Air

N-ews anchor on air
E-xpounds the current events;
L-et's all watch his program,
S-hare the informative moments.

Hard Act To Follow

H-ard act to follow,
A-n exceptional lady wins;
K-now her secret to success,
I-t's her hope that begins.

A Steep Rocky Eminence

A steep rocky eminence
Is too tough to climb;
One will feel the glory
After the hard and trying time.

Victory Is Not Far Away

F-ly and soar so high,
R-ise above the crowd;
A-im for the shining star,
N-ever mind the dark cloud.

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