Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Let The Sunshine Appear

A-llow the sun to appear,
L-et the morn see the light;
L-et the new dawn break,
A-fter the cold rainy

Day In The Sun

J-ust have your day in the sun,
A-s the people see you;
N-ever will they ignore the nice and pleasant view.

Greatest Victory

G-reatest victory of all
L-ets you praise the Father,
A-lmighty God will be pleased,
D-isplaying His unequaled power.

Valiant Fight

V-aliant fight for the faith
I-s needed to beat the devil;
V-ictory over the enemy
I-s eliminating the peril.

Ride High

R-ide high above the clouds,
A-s the sky is blue;
N-ot for a single moment,
D-efeat won't come to

Ignite Your Light In The Dark

J-ust ignite your light in the dark,
O-n the first of August;
Y-ou must spread the truth,
L-et the people find solace.

Deep In The Ocean

A-mazing sea creatures
L-ive in the ocean blue;
V-iew of corals on the bottom
I-s seen like fresh and

Each Hour Of The Day

E-ach hour of the day,
L-ead a new way of life;
L-et your heart show the love,
A-nd you'll be far from strife.

Sacred Aim

P-ure purpose or sacred aim
R-emains inside, it's true;
E-arly eleventh of July
C-oncrete goal is set by

Heart's Content

D-o it to your heart's content,
A-im to see the ocean view;
I-t's a creation of God,
S-ilent sea shall comfort

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