Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

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Greet The 27th Day In September Morn

I-'ll let you hear the wind whispers
S-oftly beneath the white clouds in the sky,
M-inding the joy on your birthday;
A-ccept my warm wishes and greetings

Sister Jenny's One Verse In December

J-ust a simple verse of mine,
E-merging from my mind,
N-ever I leave it behind
N-or is it hard to find

The Reigning Queen In Elegant November

R-emembering your birthday
E-lates your heart, soul and mind;
N-ow is the special moment
A-ll your friends won't leave behind.

Sweet Kisses

L-ight in the sky is shining,
E-rasing the lonely night;
A-llowing the beacon to rise and take away the twilight.

Make The Gem's 26th Radiance Shine In October

A-dmired for beauty and excellence,
L-ea' daughter is so precious;
L-asting brilliance in existence
I-s so great and tremendous;

Remember November In 20th Dawn

M-orning sun is shining
A-fter the break of 20th dawn;
R-emember November morn,
Y-earning to go on and on.

Things That Really Count

Today think how really rich you are,
Your life is so precious;
Though not few fall into the grave,
Yours is there to live as virtuous.

Night Cold Chill Will End

I-n your eyes I see the glow,
R-eflecting from the sky;
I-n your heart I feel the beat,
S-o fast and getting

The Wind Kisses The Trees

I-n jubilation I offer you this greeting,
M-esmerizing your heart, soul, and mind;
E-choes of the thirteenth day of November
E-nd the old past, leaving sadness behind.

My One And Only Queen

M-y heart's one and only queen
A-llows herself to be my bride;
I-n spite of the darkest days, true feelings she cannot hide.

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