Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

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Four Corners Of The Earth

V-iewing the entire earth
I-s a wonderful sight;
E-ast and west touch the horizon,
S-outh and north set poles

Choose Not The Wide Way

C-hoose not the wide way,
A-s there is the narrow gate;
T-he broad road will lead
H-umans to eternal hate.

Sail The Sea By Ship

Sail the sea by ship,
And start to venture;
Hoping for fortune
And greener pasture.

Let Not Your Trust Fall Apart

R-emain firm and confident,
O-nce the day turns dark;
M-ove on and stand strong,
A-s life is not a walk in the park.

Time For Action

N-ow is the time for action,
I-t's never tomorrow;
E-mploy your force immediately,
L-et your mind and heart know.

Get The Verse By Heart

G-et the verse by heart,
L-et it be felt so true;
A-llow your mind to memorize,
C-ontemplate the words for

Once You Open Your Mind

O-nce you open your mind,
S-adness shall disappear;
C-omfort is in your front,
A-t both sides and at the

Current Events Broadcaster

C-urrent events broadcaster
H-as a powerful voice;
A-llowing the truth to spread,
R-ight news is her choice.

Holy Intent Of Love

H-oly intent of love
A-ims to accept all things;
N-ever will it blame the bad days,
N-or will it spurn the blessings.

Quote Of The Day

M-eaningful quote of the day
A-ims to ease your mind;
E-ach word is full of wisdom, every woven line is kind.

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