Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Physical Fitness

P-hysical fitness is important,
E-ssential to male and female;
R-equirement for better health,
L-etting not the body

The Sweet Heavy Burden

T-he sweet heavy burden
O-r duty to God is no joke;
T-ask given needs your fervor,
O-nce you fulfill your

Don't Leave The Door Open

R-efrain from closing your eyes,
A-lways be alert and aware;
I-t's the devil that roams,
S-howing his roar and anger.

Truth Is Your Life

L-iving in truth is your life,
O-n the twelfth of January;
L-ie that leads to destruction
I-s not your cup of

Radiant Smile

R-adiant smile is a sign of joy,
E-xpressive of mirth and love;
I-ts confidence comes from
N-o one but God

As Solid As A Rock

J-ust as solid as a rock,
E-ver firm is your true faith;
S-tanding strong against the wind,
S-taying tough with love so great.

Lasting Love

A-n ever lasting love is the greatest thing on earth;
I-t comes from the heart, having happiness and mirth.

N-everending or lasting love

Walk In The Garden

J-ust walk in the garden,
O-n the fourteenth of January;
A-mazing trees and bushes
N-icely border the

Do It Right Now

M-ove to do it right now,
A-s time is truly gold;
U-se each and every minute,
R-ighteous fervor you must uphold.

Gentle Wind

G-entle wind whispers around,
E-arly in the morning light;
N-ew dawn has just shown up,
E-nding the dark of night.

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