Bianca Phipps

Bianca Phipps Poems

The headline read "Michael Dunn trial: Man accused of shooting teen over music."
But all I heard was a lot of loud noise
Drowning out the truth,
like pouring bleach over a young black boy's bloody shirt

Just because I own slaves, doesn't mean I'm racist.
I don't even see color; you're racist for being slaves.
My closest friends are house Negroes.

The Best Poem Of Bianca Phipps

An Open Letter To The Mother Of Michael Dunn

The headline read "Michael Dunn trial: Man accused of shooting teen over music."
But all I heard was a lot of loud noise
Drowning out the truth,
like pouring bleach over a young black boy's bloody shirt
and throwing it in with the whitewash.

In my house, every dinner was accompanied by the evening news,
my mother passing survival tips across the table like salt,
educating us on how to move through a world we were still trying to fit into
In your house, did you pass pep talks like pepper,
educating your son on how to move through a world that would always fit him

My mother taught my brothers to bow their heads down
to be submissive like subjects in a kingdom they don't belong to
You gave your son a scepter in the form of a gun
and told him he was king

Your son scrawled "Ignorance begets intolerance" onto the walls of his jail cell, next to a sign that said 'not all liars are thugs, but all thugs are liars.'
So do not tell me that this is not about race
Everything about this was race
The race between your son's holster and the knob of stereo
The racing heartbeats in the chests of a coward and a child
A race to determine if fear wrapped in a bullet casing can move faster through the chamber of a gun or the chamber of a heart
A race that is calling itself neutral - neutralizing threats that do not exist
Mrs. Dunn -
I understand that he is your son.
I understand that you feel that you must stand by his side,
that you must prove loyal to your family
but let me ask you a question:
if you had been with Michael when he met Jordan Davis,
would you have stood alongside him
and let him pull the trigger?
Would you have pulled it yourself?

You do not live in a dangerous world.
You created one.
The earth under your feet is littered with the bones of men and women who did not get gravemarkers, let alone gratitude
Callous attitudes and careless natures making graveyards of gas stations
My mother teaching us it is better to be silent than silenced
Mrs. Dunn,
when you were raising your son,
did you tell him it was better to be violent than victim?

The meek shall inherit the earth
but only after they have been buried in it.

The lawyer assigned to his case said the media attention it was receiving was unnecessary,
That if it weren't for Zimmerman, people wouldn't be paying attention.
How many young boys need to be murdered in the dark before we are willing to turn on the lights?

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