All Lives Matter 1800's Edition Poem by Bianca Phipps

All Lives Matter 1800's Edition

Just because I own slaves, doesn't mean I'm racist.
I don't even see color; you're racist for being slaves.
My closest friends are house Negroes.


I didn't ask to have all this cotton.
It's not my fault all the cotton is profitable.
Don't blame me for something my grandfather's grandfather planted.
And if cotton is so 'bad, ' why are you wearing it?

Don't act innocent.
This is the fabric of all our lives.

You know what really shines my shoes?
You can give birth to a light skinned child, and everything's fine.
But I put on a little bit of black face, and, 'oh no, that's racist.'


Black face comes off, you're white face, is forever.
This is not the dream that Abraham Lincoln gave speeches for.
Racism ended with the three fifths compromise, everyone is equal!
We have a black overseer!
Slavery is a choice. If you didn't want to get locked up, you should've kept running after we captured your wife.
I mean like, come on; make your decisions, or face the consequences.

Blacks are 99% more likely to try and escape north. That's not racist, that's just a fact.
When will you people realize, underground railroads only create racial divide, and why?
We're all red on the inside.
Look at your brother's body: Rope doesn't make his neck any different than mine.

My accountant hung himself, so we're all struggling with something.
Don't judge a book, that you're not allowed to read.
My house, is like two stories, tops. The real masters live in mansions; I'm a slave like you.
Only through love, and working together, can we get our emancipation.

'Free the people? ' How about 'We the people'?
'Black lives matter? ' How about 'All lives matter'?

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