Bradley Barnett

Bradley Barnett Poems

Last year all I felt was fear
Now this year, it is covered by a tear
I keep telling how I really feel for her
Keep breaking my heart? Sure

I don't know why I keep going like this
All the Good times I had, I miss
Lookin in my eyes
Tellin me Lies


All the stress you bring dad
It just makes me so sad
I try to be the best person that i can be
I try my best dad, can't you see

The Best Poem Of Bradley Barnett

Past Life

Last year all I felt was fear
Now this year, it is covered by a tear
I keep telling how I really feel for her
Keep breaking my heart? Sure
Forget it right? He doesn't care
I'll just keep doing it to him even though he treats me fair
His heart doesn't matter, all guys are the same
I'll just go and leave him out in the rain
I had a choice in this life, and I chose you
Even after all of that, you were still blue
So if you think that it makes me sad
And that pain just makes you glad
All you do is yell at me and smile
I've been waiting to say this to you for a while
Change your ways baby, thats the only way i can forgive
This reminds me of the past, something I don't want to relive
All of those 'dreams' you kept telling me
At this rate they will never come to be

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