Bradley Lester

Bradley Lester Poems

These are simple things I'd do, if you were mine to stay
I'd do these things, to show I care, the morn of each new day
I'd make you coffee, muffins too, and set them by your side
When you awake I'd kiss you 'hi', in you I would confide

Did you really care for me
The way you said you did
Or were these words replies to mine
The truth behind you hid

She loves me, she loves me not
Is it false, is it true
Cold as ice, warm as sun
Didnt know, once I knew

Can a wish come true? why is the pain so real?
Oh why cant things just happen, the way u want them to?
It's hurtful and frustrating, these wishes stab your heart
Oh why please why can't someone, help me make it through

I'm thinking of you during this time
And really wished that your pain was mine
To take you in and hold you tight
And hug you more it just feels right

You were the wind beneath my wings
Those times are only treasures
And thoughts that come and flash me by
Like autumn winter weathers

I wish you strength today my friend
And peace within your heart
Just know that someone thinks of you
Each morning as you start

Life can be unfair to us, we want to run and hide
It's times like these you need a friend, to be right by your side
We all have hurt and loneliness, we sometimes look away
We try to hide these aweful thoughts, each morning of each day

I simply cannot find the words
To thank you for your heart
The day you came a part of me
I never want to part

Darkness is better than light
It may not keep me warm
But light is undecided
Like facing at a storm

When you are feeling down, and need a listening ear
Dont hesitate to ring me up, cos u're my friend so dear
I may not have the answers, I may not understand
But I will be beside you, I'll glady hold your hand

You are always in my thoughts
No matter where you are
Remember that I think of you
Each day my thoughts aren't far

I love you more than just a friend
Although this may be wrong
My feelings that I have for you
Are real and true and strong

I gave my heart to you completely
Without holding back or being afraid
This was my own personal gift to you
My heart was yours to take

Please tell me you're not lonely
It hurts to see you so
Please tell me baby you're ok
I care for you you know

We walked along the beach, upon the sandy shore
Our foorprints made a path, which disappeared behind
A symbol of our journey, the good times and the bad
We looked ahead and walked, your hand in mine so kind

Loving someone deep and true
Every single day
Hope that they'll love you back
Hoping that they'll stay

Oh baby girl I'm on my knees
Please listen baby to my pleas
My eyes are filled with tears for you
I cannot hate, I thought you knew

Treated unfairly is all I know
Used and forgotten perhaps a show
I was an actor, a part time affair
The end was to come, despite my despair

I've been hurt before you know
Those aweful words cut deep
And left me wounded lying down
My eyes were wept with weep

Bradley Lester Biography

I have always wanted to express my feelings, thoughts, desires, hopes and dreams about life and people but I’ve never had any reason, or no-one really inspired me to do so, or urged me until I met a wonderful person and her three awesome, wonderful daughters. For the purpose of respecting her privacy, I will only use her First Name which is Debbie. From the first day I met her, I felt a newborn life inside of me starting to overwhelm my heart and soul with goodness and appreciation. Her bubbly, fun, motherly attributes of her personality gripped my heart with a deep feeling of someone who was warm and friendly, kind and generous, loving and concerned. All these attributes which I had so longed and yearned for she had. It was as though she had wrapped them up into a sweet scented soft cuddly present, wrapped it in the worlds shiniest pink silk paper and handed it to me. This simply blew my breath away. Frantically I started writing poems about her and me, our talks and discussions, our laughs and tears as we entered into our new found friendship. She gave me hope and inspiration throughout our friendship in a way that was heartwarming and true. The love that I had for her was like no other love I’d ever felt or experienced and it was mind-blowing at times. Mind-blowing just knowing that someone did care for me, someone did want to listen to me, someone confided in me, trusted me and believed in me. As today draws to a close and tomorrow is yet to come, I will forever be grateful for what she has meant to be and if our paths never do cross again in my life’s journey, I pray and hope that someday, somehow she will stumble across these poems and if she does read some of them, I hope that they will be a comfort to her in some way and warm her heart knowing that I loved her with all my heart, soul and mind.)

The Best Poem Of Bradley Lester

A Few Simple Gestures

These are simple things I'd do, if you were mine to stay
I'd do these things, to show I care, the morn of each new day
I'd make you coffee, muffins too, and set them by your side
When you awake I'd kiss you 'hi', in you I would confide

I'd walk the miles in rain and sleet, to buy your favorite book
I'd walk back home, a happy man, along the gushing brook
The smell of fresh ground coffee, I enter and feel warm
I hand the covered book to you, still dry despite the storm

Your thankfulness is present, I see it in your eyes
You hold the book against your bosom, look up into the skies
Our eyes would meet, I simply nod, I know I've touched your heart
Your curl up now, begin to read, I leave the room and part

I'd make the lunch, you read the book, I'd do the dishes to
Just to show you that I care, and want to be with you
I'd take the washing from the line, I'd even start to iron
You read your book, I wouldn't mind, my love for you would shine

Bradley Lester Comments

Caroline Bulleck 07 November 2012

I really admire your poems. They are beautifully written because they come from your heart and because you convey the emotion in your writings. You are a talented poet. Keep writing.

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