Bri Mar Poems

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'' I'M The Widow Of An Alcoholic ''

He was mild mannered and I loved him so much,
When we met I knew he was the one,
If I was ever in trouble he was always my crutch,
But inside he was a smoking gun.

'' Irn Bru ''

What gives Superman his powers,
His ability to fly,
He can jump the highest towers,
His feats would make you cry,

'' They Demand Our Acclaim ''

With royalty and gods,
I'm all at odds,
To me they're one and the same,
Nothing I'm afraid but man made frauds,

'' Our Ambitions Their Inhabitants Could Smother ''

As across the sky at night we scan,
There are literally billions of stars,
Planets orbiting them since time began,
Their surfaces covered in scars.

'' Correct Twice A Day ''

To a broken clock,
The people will flock,
Then they will ask you, what time,
But it holds a secret we all can unlock,

'' They'Re Your Imagination ''

I'm in a padded cell,
For talking to plants,
This does not augur well,
They don't know of the ants.

'' A Mother Never Forsakes ''

On Mothers day,
Let us pray,
To all those who have passed,
Our message of love we can convey,

'' To Give You Inspiration ''

Would you like to know where and when you’ll die?
How do you think you would cope?
Or does the very concept make you want to cry,
Knowing for your future there’s no hope.

'' To Help Someone In Need ''

Are you aware,
That by showing you care,
You're helping yourself and others,
But you need to beware,

'' Life's Not All About Money ''

The joys of living,
Include taking and giving,
Some may say this doesn't make sense,
To take a minute to be forgiving,

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