Brian Johnston Poems

Hit Title Date Added
College: Invitation

Do not wait for rain
To hide your tears
Like a statue standing
Alone in a park,

Ph: Love: A New Reality

You touch my battered heart
Like the feathered wings of angels,
You burst from my poor eyes
Like the tears of awakened love.

Ph: Echo: In Spite Of Your Silence

In spite of your silence I still feel you love me
Though it's true silent days are not many,
I imagine your soul doing battle with poem
And that soon your heart's message will fly free.

Ph: Politics: Turtles All The Way Down

(A short lesson in Republican science!)

Seems once in a while even dumb folks are right
Even broken clock's right twice a day friend,

Ph: Love: A Trembling Rose

Such a trembling rose! She has something to hide,
Feigns her cough hoping Prince will remain by her side,
Though she loves him, in fact, she is loath to declare,
Her connection to one with two feet, could he care?

Ph: Life: Everyone's Life

Everyone's life

Everyone's life's really tragic it seems,
There's just not time friend to live all our dreams.

Ph: Haiku: Video Gamester's Heaven

Ph: Love: Bible: A Promise Of Covenant Relationship

1. Covenant of Affirmation
(Unconditional love, agape love) Rom.12: 10, I Thess 5: 11
There is nothing you have done or will do that will make me stop loving you. I may not agree with your actions, but I will love you as a person and do all I can to hold you up in God's affirming love.

Ph: Poetry Writing: Humour: Poet's Mouth

I feel sure mine's a true case of ‘Poet's Mouth'
My fans certainly are precocious,
My goodness, oh they think I'm divine
They are all itching to be my Valentine.

Ph: Echo: Chasing A Dream! ?

Some people take flack for chasing their dreams
From plain folks who perhaps don't have many
They're knocked for not taking life as it seems,
Risking treasure worth more than a penny.

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