Bridie Latona

Bridie Latona Poems

How can I write here when the walls have poetry?
And my soul is satisfied
When art hovers in the air and dances free?
When the heart has been explored over scones and tea?

I want to be the peaceful willow.


I am cradled in your cloud like a child
It is our nature to be so
So revered, so loved and deared
I am small and light

Ordered into our own line of fire
Our souls do not belong here
We do not belong here
We belong where we can rest

What I have inside is vast and broad and bigger than I let it be.
Sitting in my chest and bursting at the seams.
Such small spaces to come beyond,
But wide as spreading seas.

The Best Poem Of Bridie Latona


How can I write here when the walls have poetry?
And my soul is satisfied
When art hovers in the air and dances free?
When the heart has been explored over scones and tea?
How can I write when Keats once live down the street?
And Shakespeare rests beneath my feet?
What is there to add to the words of the greats?
With all that has been explored between love and hate
Do I lay to rest my pen?
Do I throw it to the air and in their words swim?
How can I write all that is in my heart and soul,
When my tale has been told
With far more tender grace
With far more eloquence and pace?
Please do check my grammar and spelling,
For I much to learn if I have a tale for the telling.

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