Bright Nkyi

Bright Nkyi Poems

They have been with us for ages
few words can't describe their abilities:
but many chained to a thousand pages


My name is tied to blood,
Combined with forest and gold, I hold


I write to set the record straight: you didn't die of a heart attack
No, it was the hunger strike that took your life, a tragic fact


My world was flipped when we first met,
Reality became a dream, my senses beset.

The White House

I am the one through whom men are made,
Yet on my walls, they crave to shade.

The Best Poem Of Bright Nkyi


They have been with us for ages
few words can't describe their abilities:
but many chained to a thousand pages
Corrupt hands that put us behind cages
They could give their lives to hike wages
but nothing to understand simple policies
Clad in white clothes like a morning angel
they burn more gently than a Roman candle
when they do seek out dominions to handle
With desires granted, they will outdo the devil

I feel like drawing many tears to be frank:
to have seen the trick & yet fall for the prank
it proves me the fool as perceived and they, wise
Accept homemade goods! They preach to us
then, turn their backs and import from the US
and who will consume them, if not for us?

They are visitors who quickly forget their post
and flaunt their true colors in front of their host
Of course they do boast
than he that proposes the toast
Our lives and hopes they cram into their coats
Forgetting they reap from the sweat of our thumbs
Every four years they ridicule us: show us dumb
their extravagant lives give us the cramps
Like Blacks on the territory of Trump
Amassing wealth is their secret trap
In the full glare of public they stab each other
but in the private corners they do revel together
They are friends under cover;
so be careful my brother

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