Cj Heck Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Come To Me

Come to me, come to me, sweet love,
in spring when daffodils bloom
and the ice floes melt into clear clean streams
by our soft bed of moss in the glen.

Mommy's Hands (Children's Prayer)

Dear God,
Mommy's hands are very large
and mine are very small.
The things that Mommy's hands can do

Barfly: Woman In A Bar

a broken neon sign flashed Mel’s
atop a small darkened bar
on the edge of town

My Imaginary Friend (Children)

My friend, Sherla, was hard to see
for Mom and Dad, not me.
My imaginary friend was all I had.
I’m an only child, you see.

Online Soulmates

She was the yin to his yang.
He was the dot to her 'i'.
When she was black and white,
he was the colors in between.

Pedal Pushin' (Children)

Mom’s car has three foot pedals.
I think I’m gonna ask her -

Since daddy’s car has only two,

Monster In A Box (Children)

There's a monster in my house!
It came in a great big box.
Mommy says it isn't so,
but something ate my socks.

Bumble Bee (Preschool)

Today I saw a bumblebee.
He was on a pretty rose.
I leaned in to look at him
and he stung me on my nose!

Say 'Cheese' (Children)

I'm not afraid of thunder storms.
I've figured it out, you see.

I even smile when lightning comes

Insomniac Sadness

Walls of night surround me
crowding hard and closing in.

Tonight’s sleep

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