Caryl Morgan

Caryl Morgan Poems

I love you forever
I count each petal
For every reason
That I love you

Scared and losing my faith,
U left me here to cry
Nothing left to do here
Just sitting here

I lay in bed thinking about life
Wondering what life would be like
If this guy weren't in it..
He's so different from all the other guys i've known

Sit in my room alone
no noise apart from my breathing
watching days go by
Wondering where life is taking me

You had a bad day at school one day
Feeling alone and sad
Like there's nothing to live for
or life itself is not worth living

You were so great
So caring
Sweet and cute
What happened to the guy

Loving you is better than anything in the world
because you are the one who fills my heart with happiness
and to add it all up I just want to tell you…

The Best Poem Of Caryl Morgan


I love you forever
I count each petal
For every reason
That I love you
And always
Want to be with you

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