Casey Jarrell

Casey Jarrell Poems

I wake up, hearing my name in someone's voice.
Floating above the blue waves of the sea's cradle,
I dreamt.

Eternal love is the one thing we're all wishing for.
We reach to the stars and we dance along with the moon.
The stars are shining along the water's edge.
We wipe away our tears and then we sing this song.

On a day when the sun would rise,
I would hear a song that fills my soul that flies.
By the sea that seems to shine,
I would hear a voice that's so divine.

You are the one that's for me
because there is no one like you.
I fell for you because of the light in your heart.
You shine just like the starlight.

You're smart, crafty,
and very caring,
and you are the gift I'm always sharing.

underneath the veil of the dawn,
the candle dies out, and they kiss.

Two angels of hope and light
protect our worlds with all your might.

For every light, there is a dark,

I remember the tale about love that suddenly turned into a tragedy.
Hopes and dreams have been crushed, but I know that this truly is not true.
We fell apart at the seams, but love always found a way.

I won’t forget all the times when you played your melody.


I just keep feeling something deep inside me.
It is a feeling that I've felt once before.
It feels like the warmth of the sun.
I must be thinking that I'm falling in love.

I can feel your hand caressing me.
I can feel a warmth forming inside my heart.
I can also tell you've also crying those endless tears.
Eventhough I'm here with you, you would kiss me.

It's a song that keeps on moving me.
It fuels the light in my soul.
1 + 1 is infiniti.
1,2,3.4 is magic.

Love like a melody.
Love like a melody.
My heart just keeps echoing.
Love like a melody.

Look at the skies
and make it soar.
Sing your song as
you have before.

In the dark where the moon shines bright,
she skates upon a frozen lake within a circle of the moon's light.
She raised her hands up towards the sky.
Then her arms embraced her chest with gentle warmth.

What a sad night without you.
In the most hostile empty place,
where is the right distraction?
There's an explosion because there is no light without darkness.

On this day that is very sunny,
it will be a time that is bright and funny.

On the bay of this crystal sea,

Golden yellow, shining like the sun,
brightens the day on a distant run.

Blowin' in the seven-colored wind,
it's the tune of the large ocean.
In the dawn, I heard a melody.
It's a nostalgic song.

A secret melody
is the dream inside of me.
I'm your shining star.

Without even a sound, all of the colors change.
It is so clear in the blue sky throughout the day.
I love it when the shines on my face.
I'll have my friends with me,

The Best Poem Of Casey Jarrell

Beautiful Wish

I wake up, hearing my name in someone's voice.
Floating above the blue waves of the sea's cradle,
I dreamt.

Somewhere in this sea, someone's speaking in an arguing voice.
From a crying heart, love can't be born.
Only sadness overflows.

From the fragments of a beautiful wish of the sea,
there is a light that is wanting to be born.
In the orange sea, blending into the sunset,
the tears of the world sleep.

Someday, the source of all darkness will vanish.
That day will come.
I want to sing with a singular love... in the blue sea.

Someone called out my name,
so they know of my wish.

From the fragments of a beautiful wish of the sea,
there is a light that is wanting to be born.
In the orange sea, blending into the sunset,
the tears of the world sleep.

Casey Jarrell Comments

Casey Jarrell 26 November 2018

Anyone got idea on topics for a new poem. I sure would appreciate it.

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Katie Palmer 25 May 2018

Hi hi hi hi hi

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idowu Oluwatoyin 27 March 2014

I just like your poems it kinda romantic

1 0 Reply

Casey Jarrell Quotes

From a crying heart, love can't be born.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. Where there is fire, there will also be a distant liar.

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