Chantealy Hall

Chantealy Hall Poems

I'm selfish. I know you were there. You knew I loved you, you never cared.
How was I to know? You beat me and broke me, now it's time to go.
Killing me slowly. Breaking me beautifully. My love never ends.
You ripped me away from family and friends.

Chantealy Hall Biography

Was taken away from her Father at 18 months, she struggled to get through live with an abusive mother who sold herself for drugs. Now at 14 she is a strong willed, never back down, young woman.)

The Best Poem Of Chantealy Hall

Forgive Me

I'm selfish. I know you were there. You knew I loved you, you never cared.
How was I to know? You beat me and broke me, now it's time to go.
Killing me slowly. Breaking me beautifully. My love never ends.
You ripped me away from family and friends.
You broke my heart and destroyed all of my love trends.
Now I'm leaving you behind.
I'm kicking you out of my house and my mind.
How can I leave you after all these years, you ask as I cry?
Well my love, it's because I'm going to die, I'm coming down from my high.
Now dear forgive me, but never forget that because of you my wrists are slit.

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