charity howard

charity howard Poems

When I'm with you,
eternity is a step away,
my love continues to grow,
with each passing day,

I love you like I love a day
when everything goes right
I love you like I love to lay
and watch the stars at night

You walked lightly into my life
captivating and lovely to my mind
at first I didn't care who you were
now I don't know who I am without you

Lay me down if you love me
hold me while you kiss me
lay with me I can feel me heart racing
kiss me until we lose all feeling in our lips

Your friendship and love,
and all the wonderful things,
that they bring into my life,
are like nothing else,

I live with a fear that most will never know.
The fear that one day soon,
I will have to let my soldier go.
Where will I be when I get that dreaded call?

If I died tomorrow would you cry?
If I died tomorrow would you care?
If I cried on your shoulder would you comfort me?
If I cried by myself would you comfort and hold me?

How could you be so clod to take my heart and brake it the way you did
after all we been through all the lies I thought 'I love you' ment
something to you when you said it I know it did to me you said you
needed me in your life but if you needed me you would have been so

She has a faraway look in her eyes today the look of fear the look that
scares her when she look in the mirror the will of suicide spins in her
head the thoght of him becomes stronger yet it becomes weaker he's
always there he makes her laugh but still she cries they'er both scared

I sat there and cried for I know the heartache was there and my body
aches wont stop my eyes stinging from crying my hands shake with fury
they wouldn't stop they made fun of me for everything I'm to ulgy I'm to
fat I sat there and cried I sat there and didn't know what was next you

I tell her I don't like her
and we will never be friends
I tell her we are enemys
and that's the way it stands

Who would have known what this would come to who could have seen
all the emotions spilling out of me who knew all the pain that I felt the
emotions spilled out of me like a waterfall it was more than enough to deal with all the tears I'm sure they could fill the sea so many lies they
filled my head I can't even stand to look in the mirror the reflection of


Don't tell me a lie I will believe
Don't kiss me unless you love me
Don't hold me until you know I will fall in love with you
Don't lay me down until you know I'm ok

When I think of love
I think of pain when I think of pain
I think of you when I think of you
I think of betaryel when I think of betryel

I can't stop thinking about it
I wanna stop but the thoughts keep tearing at my soul
the past it gone
why does it tear at me


well losing is a lost
life is a gift
friends are people
family is everything

I see you walking down the street
and I feel my heart skip a beat
you start to walk toward me in school
I walk the other way and now I feel like a fool

My every thought
My every dream
My every fear
You're there

Love is the greatest feeling
love is like a play
love is what I feel for you
each and everyday of my life


You said that you loved me and proved not to you say that it hurts you
more than what I know but I konow you're lying just to see how much
more you can hurt me I really do love you but I know we can't be
together anymore it hurts me to say that but I know it's true and so do

charity howard Biography

well I have lived in Indiana most if my life I'm 21 years old I'm in love with a soldier we have 1 son I started to write in 5th grade and i still write today and i hope that you like what you read)

The Best Poem Of charity howard

Forever And Always I Will Love You

When I'm with you,
eternity is a step away,
my love continues to grow,
with each passing day,
this treasure of love,
I cherish within my soul,
how much I love you,
you'll never really know,
you bring joy to my heart,
I have never felt before,
with each touch of your hand,
I love you more and more,
when ever we say good-bye,
whenever we part,
know I hold you dearly in my heart,
so these seven words,
I pray you hold true,
forever and always,
I will love you.

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