Charles Monroe

Charles Monroe Poems

Greetings from across the seas
Readings from the loss of peace
City full of Boston teas
Pity-fool-less Constantine(s) .

I am. That is all.
I enter this realm
In Peace and Humility
With Wars under me.

When the hills and the mountains someday are made low
And rough places made plain, and untended seeds grow
When the peacocks take flight and the crooked made straight
Until Justice rolls down like an avalanche quake

I learned my history from Murals
These walls of hardened mud taught me more
Than the biased archives put together by the invaders.
There is a formula for Colonization-

Finally something somewhat relative
To my competitive arrogant narrative.
Of Judges and Nurses

So, so true
When value is hidden
God: the poet
Soul: is written.

Remember me not,
For the battles I have fought,
But rather at peace.

In a world that's flavored acidly
Wish they all would think like Cassidy
But unfortunately for us
All the world is colored puss.

puzzled skid row kids in blankets
play with string-less tennis racquets
Alleys seem comical; buildings phenomenal
empty abdominal tables with dominoes

No smoking signs are everywhere I look
Except in the Kitchen; I smoke while I cook
A hot-dog/ quesadilla with the white cheese
That melts away all while I smoke as I please.

We are the
Villains because we speak truths
While heroes are silent
Divided in groups.

December children in inner city days;
sun rays refuse me over silver aviators
police are bees and we the pollen
menthol minted breath conversations are held

My fire is thermal
And spreading in turbo
Orange nocturnal
Dark purple Inferno

Oh how ludicrous the fee,
Guessing contests aren't for free.
Dare I invite every one
But my contest is for fun.

No definition
at least with precision
Of us Wizards of the Word-Whirlwind
At Wood-Chuck's Word-Shop

I found myself among the lost
Pentagrams inside a cross
Where the pion is the boss
And the neon has no gloss

Sad Beginnings
Lost my winnings
Food stamps provided
By the U.S. Government.

Fancy Flavio from the hills
never heard of paying bills
Though he never had an ailment
He's, regardless, taking pills.

There is a smile from heaven
well high above your head;
if you'd only compromise your self
To looking up instead.

Mother Nature, Father Time
Listen to your Children's rhyme.
May we all some day retire
And become what we aspire

Charles Monroe Biography

Mr. or Mrs. Charles Monroe II is one of the alleged 'Four Horsemen', whom are rumored members of the international Underground Academia known as the 'Ghosts Of DaVinci'(G.O.D.) , a 'mythical' ficticious society said to be a modern urban legend about a group of Poets, Artists, Muscicians, Farmers, Playwrites and College Students from every continent. While the rumors of the group's existence have never been confirmed nor documented, the Pseudonym Charles Monroe II is an actual client of an independent Los Angeles based writing agency/workshop through which the works are published anonymously by the agency's classified staff members. The true identity of Charles Monroe II or his or her affiliations remain unknown. All that is known of Monroe, besides a name and works, is a letterhead from his correspondence which reads 'Knights of Montezuma', which is believed to be a Los Angeles based writing society. Other rumored 'Horsemen' include Spanish Poet/Philosopher Paz de la Guerra, Poet/Composer Sabado Domingo, and a fourth unknown member who is rumored to be an A-list Hollywood Actor and financier for the groups projects. While all these allegations are considered rumors, Charles Monroe II is in fact very real and always pays in cash. Written by Steve Stephalonavich 2013 *The views and works of Charles Monroe do not reflect in any way the views of the author of this biography or his affiliates and was written as requested with the consent of Charles Monroe. All Rights Reserved 2013.)

The Best Poem Of Charles Monroe

Seven Syllable Sonnet

Greetings from across the seas
Readings from the loss of peace
City full of Boston teas
Pity-fool-less Constantine(s) .

Beautiful as Constant Dreams
Uniform is tossed in streams
Funerals as dark as beams
Universal law's extremes.

Poems, of a nonsense, scream
Poets that are on this screen
No this ain't a thoughtless stream,
Love is in a box this eve.


(12: 01 a.m. L.A. Time 5.26.13)

Charles Monroe Comments

Charles Monroe Quotes

Poverty is like a battlefield; only those who have been in it before know what its like.

I'm not gang related, I'm related to gangsters.

The richest people are the poor.

Charles Monroe Popularity

Charles Monroe Popularity

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