Charles Murage

Charles Murage Poems

A river closed dam with spillway,
It is there for years dark bottom foliage

During colonial era

Our founding father his Excellency President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta was truly the light to our country Kenya. Kenyatta is a Swahili word means Kenya light
There was darkness, darkness brought by colonial regime, they came with a paper known as title deed and grabbed lands and turned inherent to be their slaves.
Our founding father being among the agitated rose and led movements that begat freedom the freedom we enjoy

God finished creating other things, paused and consulted Jesus and the holy spirit.
They all agreed to create man in their was created with a woman inside him.
God later molded women from rib of a man.
They were bestowed with to love woman, woman to love man and both to love their children.

In our day today life we need things or goods to sustain our life. Our demand is controlled by forces i.e, .
1. Our tastes. A muslim may not purchase pork or alcohol while a
scholar may prefer a good book to a cheap thriller(Jame Hardly
chase) .

A strong built man, nobody would have thought him pedophilia.
He used to greet young boys with a lot of respect. He used to spend most of his time with them.

One day he was caught red handed with prepubescent boy in a maize bush.The boy screaming.

Moses had interceded with God for his forgiveness and grace that God's presence might continue in their midst.
God ordered Moses to construct tabernacle the dwelling place of Yahweh.
Tabernacle was also known as tent of the congregation or tent of meeting.

proceeding in NYERI high court
'Dedan kimathi wachiuri from Nyandarua jungle, alias prime minister of no fixed address, you are charged that on the night of 21st oct at or near Ihururu you are found in possession of firearm namely revolver, do you plead guilty or not guilty? '

They campaign to state house,
Gods love constitution govern them as well as man's constitution.

By working hard, choosing the right people, they have led us from colonial regime to new constitutional

breathes me and you,
souls telepathic missing,
once we were two as one,
two match stick in one matchbox

as a father looks on fairing of children the four,
three sons and a daughter

first son, Aero come and go

Sisal strings twined into Bobbins,
Internationally I fetch foreign currency,
Socially I am shinning star to society,
Across, I cross continents to improve balance of trade and balance of payment,

Bamboo grass cool the earth on fire,
Allow other plants to sun bathe comfortably,
May mankind plant in large quanitities.
Bamboo grass an alternative to fossil energy,

behold, God Jehovah of armies in his turrets sees world people as one vast plain.
sees satan infliction to people as he sees boundless reach of sky.
God, Jehovah sighned that world people must rejoice joyfully as the time of harvest or like those who divide amongst themselves they spoil.
fufilled his promise.

Global warming is a death bed to world,
leading to painful climate change,
one by one hope C.O.P 28 last in Dubai saved world,
Bamboo grass and other trees be the solution,

Jesus surrounded by pressing crowd was teaching love....... faith,
love your neighbour, love your enemy..........,

The four filled with love brought paralytic child,

Fruitage powers twined in Tongue,
Death and life portals from tongue,
Tongue utter wisdom,
Tongue ignite doom,

The Best Poem Of Charles Murage


Today is very life
The very life of life if well utilized it make yesterday a dream of happiness and tomorrow a vision of hope

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