Chhote Lal Khatri

Chhote Lal Khatri Poems

Jogi ji wah Jogi ji
Someone is looking for emerald,
Someone is looking for diamond, I'm looking for my Joginia (beloved)
Jogi ji wah1 Jogi ji.....2

Once Again

Once again weather is getting worked up
drunk with the drink of pre-monsoon shower,

The drops of first shower of the season
perched on her lips like dew drops on leaves
hanging from her sharp pointed nose
dripping from her short hairs in soft tumult

As I am growing old
I am losing hold
On my desires bold
Like leaves falling in cold.

Yester-night I met with a bizarre accident
gurgling Ganga was flowing over me
water as transparent as that of Rhine.

Bees buzz round buds
Flowers, fragrant leaves
Bloated wombs with larva.


Indian Rishis loved living in caves
that we call hideouts today.
They either spoke in aphorisms

Holi (A Festival of Colours)
Holi hai bhai Holi hai! 1
Don't take it amiss; it's Holi!
Seven colours of water

Chhote Lal Khatri Biography

C L Khatri born in 1965 is a bilingual poet writing in English and Hindi, editor of Cyber Literature A Bi-annual Journal of English Studies, The Indian Journal of English Studies and college magazine " Sanket" and several anthologies of criticism. He is a well-known critic, reviewer, author and translator. Currently working as a Professor, T P S College, Patna, Bihar, INDIA. Life C L Khatri was born on 11 December,1965 at a village Lakhawar in Jehanabad, Bihar, had his early education there and graduation from College of Commerce, Arts and Science, Patna. He did his M.A. and Ph.D from Patna University, Patna. He joined as a Lecturer in English, Magadh University, Bodhgaya, and then was posted at S S College, Jehanabad before moving to T P S College, Patna in 2001. He delivered several guest lectures to M.Phil students at Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, Jharkhand. He also served as Dean Students' Welfare and Inspector of Colleges at Patliputra University, Patna from July,2018 to September,2019. Works Besides academics, he has been pursuing his literary career. As an editor of Cyber Literature he has edited the journal regularly since 1997 and has been editing the college magazine " Sanket" for more than a decade and was elected as Editor-in-Chief of The Indian Journal of English Studies in the All India English Teachers' Conference held at Osmania University, Hyderabad 2017. Dr Khatri is the author of twenty six books including three books of translation in collaboration with Prof Ram Bhagwan Singh, and 34 research papers, around 40 book-reviews, and four poetry collections in English and one in Hindi. His poems are widely published in India and abroad, anthologised and translated into Chinese, Oriya, Bangala, Urdu and Hindi languages.)

The Best Poem Of Chhote Lal Khatri

Jogi Ji Wah Jogi Ji

Jogi ji wah Jogi ji
Someone is looking for emerald,
Someone is looking for diamond, I'm looking for my Joginia (beloved)
Jogi ji wah1 Jogi ji.....2
Here comes the breeze of Phagun
Drunk in the drink of Holi
Drenched in the colours of flowers
Leaves, bees, birds and beasts
All are inebriated-reinless horse.
Dance Jogi ji dance, Holi ka hai trance.2
Jogi ra sa ra ra ra.....2
Jogi ji wah jogi ji
Take away your laws, Jogi ji
And let me to go to my in-laws, Jogi ji.
That is my Braj; Gopian bear me grudge
Their dresses are dry; their cheeks shy
Their eyes sit restless on the door
They have gone crazy about Krishna.
Let me fly Jogi ji, let me fly.
Jogira sa ra ra......2
Jogi ji wah Jogi ji
Gopian must be coloured
Red, pink, purple: all around.
Colours must be dripping from their drenched dresses
As honey is dripping from Radha's eyes.
Let me drink the nectar
Dripping from her locks
Let us play Holi jogi ji,
HoliFull blooded Holi; hot headed Holi.
Jogira sa ra ra.......2
Jogi ji wah Jogi ji
There is Rasaleela in the Braj,
Songs, dance, colour, gulal in the air:
Life full to its brim.
Romance at its crescendo.
They've smeared me from top to toe;
You can't recognize the serious bard
It's my turn.I'll colour her every part with such deep colours
That no washer woman can wash it off.
Jogi ra sa ra ra....2
Jogiji wah Jogi ji
The sun is getting drunk
As the old are going berserkHoli is sparing none-
Children are having fun and fun
Devising new pranks of colour,
Night is soaked with the wine of moon.
You too are drunk Jogi ji
Have your fun; let me have mine.
Jogi ra sa ra ra ra.......2
1. Wah: Bravo2. Holi ka hai trance: It's the trance of Holi

Chhote Lal Khatri Comments

Chhote Lal Khatri Quotes

Let an endless stream of love runs through the universe wash away the shadow lines that separate cause from effect. ("Divine Design", Kargil 9) I am searching for the song of silence a solitary sight to sow seeds of strength soulful self esteem. ("Garden of Gods", Kargil 13) I am burning like a candle in the dark recess of time to spread the light of Christ to extinguish myself. ("I am Burning", Kargil 15) Peace is neither sold in market nor invented in the lab but rest in breast. ("Peace", Kargil 16) Death lies on the point from where journey starts and there it ends ("Death", Kargil 18)

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