Chris Ernest Nelson

Chris Ernest Nelson Poems

by Chris Ernest Nelson

There is a quiet place,
even on a busy corner

As the wind shifts and the sun drops in the sky
I am feeling the autumn of my life set in.
For some time now I have watched the pylons
that mark my horizon and count my days

Strangely the wanderer looking back
at the path he has trodden finds
that he has ever been walking
to the place where he stands.

The light of day bends into the corner,
without permission,
to lift the dark blanket of the shadow of the angle
that imprisons the space.

Barefoot in soft grass under a smiling sun,
with warm hands holding warm hands
... and eyes that say, 'I love you'
without knowing what such words mean.

You were my grandma's rocker,
her own ancient seat.
You counted off the thousand times
she held me softly and cooed,

The memories of my own beginning
are like clouds upon a mountain,
they rise and fall with the wind;
one day as heavy as burdens

I have spent a lifetime building this wall.
I had feelings once,
but they are only window dressing now.
It always looks like someone's home,

One beat of the drum each year.
One pluck of the string in a century
For this song is carried by the dense fog
and its melody sweeps in with

by Chris Ernest Nelson

What can shadows tell us about ourselves?
They follow us closely in sunlight

I have played the great feast
with music and laughter–
a circle of friends and
in full measure of joy

by Chris Ernest Nelson

He sits on his broad porch, his eyes
cast as far as the golden plain stretches,

I have been remembering to breathe.
The light so bright I sometimes forget
that the molecular swirl requires a breeze
to mix it up and keep its

My imagination reaches
beyond this flesh
into the place of wonder
that shatters our glass of hope

Walking down stairs in the dark of night,
silence weighs heavy in the air.
Every step sounds an alarm
and threatens my intention,

Radiant on the desert sand,
in the pounding glare of a direct sun,
I watched the scripting serpent dance
the painted shaman's dance.


Today the gray hangs heavy on my head.
The sun sinks low beneath clouds of longing.
I have been in love, more than once, but now
in the autumn of my life each love,


In these lines you hear the language of dreams.
Not everyone can share in the same dream.
There is a wonderful freedom in dreams.
Let us resolve to fly whenever we can

The Best Poem Of Chris Ernest Nelson

Take My Hand

by Chris Ernest Nelson

There is a quiet place,
even on a busy corner
of the city,
Where the pulsing light
is dimmed by the
radiance within.
There is a feeling of
contentment that
feeds itself,
And writes the words
‘happy days' on all
my memories.

What more can I ask for
when I have it all?
Every smile
Is a handshake with God
and thunder beyond the
wandering clouds.
Rain to wash my sins
away and the wet
dog to track
The journey of my days
still unmapped and

This is the time to test
the promises and to
accept freedom.
This is the beginning
of wonder and joy-
This is all there is.
This is my laughter in
the face of darkness
and hungry night.
Here is the open way
to the answers.
Take my hand.

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