Chris Hatley

Chris Hatley Poems

A perfect rose is hard to find.
Its beauty unmatched, one of a kind.
Unscathed and unharmed by cruelty, by hate.
Its neck does not bow, under the weight.

The warmth in my heart which came from my love, now lost forever.
Your loving words and sweet embrace poisoned my soul,
intoxicated my life with thoughts of you.
This happiness I felt due to the things you said,

The glistening petals catch the rising suns light
As it finds it way through the canopy of leaves above.
Piercing the darkness made humid by screams.
Doomed Life so heartlessly placed continues to grow

Empty smiles and hollow laughs
Adorn the faces around me.
‘How are you? ’
Asked merely out of habit

The Best Poem Of Chris Hatley

Perfect Rose

A perfect rose is hard to find.
Its beauty unmatched, one of a kind.
Unscathed and unharmed by cruelty, by hate.
Its neck does not bow, under the weight.
The stem will be flawless, sturdy, and straight.
Its leaves will be lush, giving it life.
Protecting those around it from misery and strife.
Its roots support it from wind and from rain.
Though others will fall, it stands just the same.
Its petals are luscious, vibrant and red.
Not one shall wither, die, or shed.
Oh many have searched, to find such grace.
But most have failed, a pointless chase.
But if you are lucky, or if you simply pray,
You may just see one before you some day.
And if this should happen don’t cut it to keep,
For those who sow, shall surely reap.
If you are patient till spores are blown,
You may find another to keep as your own.
But as for this flower, I make this decree.
No other can have you,
You belong to me.
For you are the flower, the one that I chose.
Sweetheart, my darling,
You’re my perfect rose.

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