Sitting, Reading, writing, learning, working.
Trying to understand, purpose, direction.
The meaning behind…anything.
What is it to wonder?
I see you with honest eyes, no mistaking anyone else for you
Between us is hope and time, friendship and caring
The things that should bring us together are holding us apart
I took the chance, while promising nothing, knowing it would cost everything
I can't turn it off
It's always there staring me in the face
Yet it's always just out of reach
You know I would give you anything short of up
Yet that's exactly what you have asked for
So back I sit pretending to do just that
It’s what you wanted, so reluctantly I obey
When left alone, I found myself floating in a sea of whiskey
All too often, I have taken out onto this sea
Unaware of the affect it had on my surrounding environment
Knowing where my limit is, yet blowing past it in an effort to forget
Early morning hours, darkness
Broken by gentle beams from the sun streaking across the sky
Signaling daybreak to the weary head lifting off the pillow
The sound of the river in the distance
Midnight. Too late for most rides, but not tonight.
Tonight it is welcoming.
I am riding with a friend, the pale rider.
Above the clouds I have been,
Peaceful, serene, reflective were these moments.
On the ground I look longingly at the sky,
waiting for the next flight that never seems to come.
In the dark, looking out nothing to see.
Should be sleeping, just done drinking
Body looking to rest, mind looking to test me.
Thinking too hard about nothing, it should come easy.