Clinton Siegle

Clinton Siegle Poems

Syria no more war

You are being watched

Iraq the dogs of war are howling at you for money

You need to ask Russia and China to come rescue you for money

Peace Syria Civil War in Syria
Peace I pray for Iraq
Ever praying for Iraq
almost forgotten Iraq

defeat is something new to me and in these past few years, I have again insight

unclosed wound covered with a vacuum sucking blood from ankle bone is my sight

Computer Space the first arcade game
open space shooter game
multidimensional space game
paradigm of campus space game

Defender waves of aliens kidnapping astronauts 1981
eternity of protecting astronauts
fending off aliens game

Dig Dug the hero of the game
indeed digging through the environment all the same
given an air pump blows up pookas or fygars

Donkey Kong a gorilla with a damsel
open to causing mayhem and destruction to keep a damsel
naughty gorilla of shots and ladders game
keen on throwing barrels jumping was new in 1981

Galaga able to fire more than one shot at a time
arcade super enemies taking more than one shot to kill
live life within space play
aliens attacking more than one at a time

Joust first cooperative game
Open jousting game 1982
uniquely riding a flying ostrich
second player knights helping cooperating with game play

Pong video game 1972
open tennis match
numerous remakes of a old game

Hogan hero's
over the third Reich
good bad they seemed like such nice folks
all one can say is life need's heroes.

Daniela Romo a magnificent Mexican actress

actress of several movies'

Google lies
open faced liars
operation of liars
getting tax payer dollars

No justice for those thinking the past was acceptable
open hatred of right is the left at present
Justice cries and no one has ears to hear at present
universal hatred is conventional even in order

Clinton watch out for that ankle
live a life
I would swear you were living elsewhere
need to speculate on which planet earth you live

Wolfgang Schäuble a taxman turned politician
On law he graduated then served as a taxman before elected to parliament
Living life within laughter of love of politics survived an assassination attempt
forever since 1990 he has been in a wheelchair part of Democratic Christian Party

Julia Oemler Miss Tuning 2016
uniquely a lovely lady
living the life of a Miss World Dubi
in all this worlds countries

Pier front to the walrus
involving seagulls spreading their wings
eternity of waves crashing on decks filled with walrus
reality but a time of the waves unfastened bay.

Clinton Siegle Biography

Well, personally I was not much into poetry since 2002. I wrote a lot of love poems which were not read. In 2013 I was in an accident which left me bed bound for some time. Got back to work in 2014 only to lose my left foot. Later in 2014 I lost partial vision then all my vision. In 2016 I went nuts. As far as I can see I am not in my own reality any more. This is a recording of a past that is not.. Traveling on a closed time like curved loop. So personally I might not be from here.2020 I am a time traveling pirate. Life is not what one expects. Be good Do good. Stop evil. Remember pray.)

The Best Poem Of Clinton Siegle

War Syria Civil War

Syria no more war

You are being watched

Reality is but a moment in time

I hope for you Syria ends your war

Almighty, please end this civil war

Civil is not internal

I realize that watching the news

Very evil is evil

I realize money is paid for war news

Love is not their neighbor's news

War in Syria

All that murder

Reality is but a moment in time Syria

No more cry against this war

Only you can stop this war

War in Syria stop please

Almighty, please stop murder too

Reality is love in a moment of time

Clinton Siegle Comments

Clinton Siegle Quotes

Time Travel is possible and happening. Those effected by the Mandela effect are in a closed time like curve. Meaning they are living their lives backwards and seeing as Solomon saw that the past was greater than the future.

You have an intense thirst for epic adventuring, and detest domestication. As far as you're concerned, rules are meant to be broken because life is meant to be lived! You've heard of a wild goose chase before, right? Well, you're the goose everyone is chasing

action speaks louder than words.. in yet words are needed for motivation to take action. now think which is more important to humanity..

arrrrrr.... indeed arrrr... Once uppn a tome I had nightmares and bad dreams. That was wenhen I decided to change. I gave into them. I gave up the hope for happiness. Why fight that which you are. I could be anywhere and do anything. I was a pirate I was a hero I was bank robber I was stock broker, I was a ladys dreaming dreams are all I have now and all I want. I am tired and want to dream some more. This morning dream was weird I was with a group of people doing strange and wied stuff that I would not do nor even consider. But there I was doing and yet it seemed life reality and a better reality then breakfast which I awoke three hours later from. I wonder if my dreams are better than reality and life is just a suckie way of coming back to this existence. I mean I am tired of being told to shut up or leave or being told to be quite. I hurt to. I guess I never grew up. I never should have married I should have lived the life I was meato have ad ethis idieology that meaning has something that life has something to offer other than pain or something less wonderful than a dream. For in a dream I can be. While here here I am told to leave humor I cannot wait to do that. leave it shall be.

Look ma I made top of the world-quote from some movie not sure any more Look the world is not an easy place In fact I am quite out of place I use to have friendship and a friend now I am alone yet again I was thinking of getting a dog for outside of a book a dog is a good friend inside a dog well it is to dark to read a good book paraphrase from Marx- I do not think it was Karl maybe Grucho but not Karl

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